

Hairstyles - Frizure

Suggestions for your long hair - Predlozi za vasu dugu kosu


Up or down, below or above, ... - Gore ili dole, ispod ili iznad, ...

A very interesting picture about in-on: up-down .... - Interesantna slika o odnosima u-na:  gorre-dole ......


Homemade Mosquito trap - Zamka za komarce

Hot days coming up. And ... comes mosquitoes. Who likes them? I - NOT. So, here is the way how to enjoy in hot days and nights without them

Items needed:
1 cup of water (200 ml)
1/4 cup of brown sugar (50g)
1g of yeast
2 liter plastic bottle

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half
2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle
3. Add the yeast. No need mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.
4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other part of the bottle, taping them together if desired
5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are drawn to the color black or white)

Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control.

Stizu topli dani. I ... stizu i komarci. A ko ih voli? Ja - NE. Dakle, evo nacina kako uzivati u toplim danima i nocima bez komaraca

Potrebni sastojci:
1 casa vode (200 ml)
1/4 case braon secera (50 g)
1 g kvasca
1 plasticna flasa od 2 l

1. Iseci plasticnu flasu na pola
2. Pomesati secer sa toplom vodom. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Kada se ohladi sipati u donji deo boce.
3. Dodati kvasac. Nije potrebno mesati. Mesavina proizvodi ugljen dioksid koji privlaci komarce.
4. Staviti levkasti deo prema dole u flasu sastavljajuci ih da se zaglave ili zalepiti
5. Obaviti bocu necim crnim ostavljajuci vrh neuvijen. Postaviti ovako spremljenu zamku negde napolju van mesta gde se boravi, kao npr. na prozor, terasu i sl.

Menjati rastvor svake 2 nedelje.

How to close - Kako zatvoriti

Sometimes we open bread or cakes or something but don't eat everything. How to save the rest of that fres
Nekad otvorimo hleb ili keks ili nesto slicno ali ne pojedemo sve. Kako sacuvati ostatak svezim?

Or ... simply: How to close the bag with groceries - Ili ... jednostavno; Kako zatvoriti kese sa namirnicama

Simply, isn't it? - Jednostavno, zar ne?

Decorations of chocolate and ... - Dekoracije od cokolade i ...

 Beautiful bouquet of roses - Prekrasan biket ruza
Bowl of chocolate - Cinija od cokolade

Chocolate butterfly on a cupcake - Cokoladni leptir na kolacu

 Sweet umbrella - Slatki kisobrancic


Something old - Nesto staro

Something old: Romans gave us this long, long time ago. Actually there is whole Roman town nearby my town. – Nesto staro: Rimljani su nam ovo davno, davno ostavili. Zapravo nedaleko postoji celi stari Rimski grad

Heart of boiled egg - Srce od kuvanog jajeta

How to make the heart with the boiled egg. It's easy. Lets see - Kako napraviti srce od kuvanog jajeta. Lako. da vidimo.
Enjoy in your heart egg - Uzivajte u svom jajetu u obliku srca


Cupcake socks

Something for your kids - cupcake socks - Nesto za vasu decu-cupcake od soknica
Children will love socks packed like this - Deca ce voleti ovako upakovane carape

How to make edible cup - Kako napraviti jestivu soljicu

Interesting dessert: cream in cup of cake - Interesantna poslastica: krem u soljici od keksa i korneta
Enjoy - Uzivajte


Chocolate leaf - Listovi od cokolade

How to make the leaf of chocolate - Kako napraviti ukrasne listice od cokolade

Play and enjoy - Igrajte se i uzivajte

Reform torta - kraljica torti - Reform cake - queen of cake

Potrebne namirnice za tortu od 3 kore velicine 40x22 cm
(da biste dobili cetvrtastu tortu a vece visine mozete kore podeliti na pola):
   Za kore (mera za jednu koru je u zagradi):
  •    15    (5)     belanaca
  • 450 (150) gr secera
  • 450 (150) gr mlevenih oraha
  •     3     (1)     kasike prezli (nije neophodno)
   Za fil:
  •   15     zumanaca
  • 300 gr secera
  • 200 gr cokolade za kuvanje
  • 250 gr maslaca (moze i pola maslac pola margarin)

     Kore :  Umutiti penasto 5 belanaca pa dodati 150 gr secera i umutiti u cvrst sam. U sam dodati 150 gr oraha u koje je umesana kasika prezli i polako izmesati varjacom. Sipati smesu u pleh oblozen kuvarskim papirom velicine 40x22 cm da biste dobili koru debljine oko 1 cm i lepo izravnati. Peci na temperaturi 180 stepeni 20 minuta. Ispeci ovako tri kore.
     Fil : Umutiti 15 zumanaca sa 300 gr secera pa kuvati na pari dok krem ne dobije potrebnu gustinu pa  dodati 200 gr izlomljene cokolade. Kuvati fil dok gustina ne bude da se vidi dno posude pri povlacenju varjace kojom se mesa. Ostaviti fil da se malo prohladi i u prohladjen fil dodati penasto umucen maslac. Izjednaciti smesu i filovati kore.


Ingredients for the 3 crust cake sizes 40x22 cm

(to get a square cake and greater heights you can split it in a half):

    For the crust (the measure of one sheet is in brackets):

            15 (5)      egg whites
     450 (150) g   sugar
     450 (150) g   ground walnuts
              3 (1) tablespoon bread crumbs (not required)

    For the filling:

        15      egg yolks
     300 g   of sugar
     200 g   dark chocolate
     250 g   butter (optionally half butter half margarine)

      1 crust: Whisk 5 egg whites foamy, add 150g of sugar and whisk in a hard peak. Add 150g of walnuts and a tablespoon bread crumbs and slowly stir with wooden spoon. Pour the mixture into a baking tray size 40x22 cm lined with wax paper to get the crust thickness of about 1 cm and nicely leveled. Bake a crust on temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Make 3 crusts.
      Filling: Whisk 15 egg yolks with 300g sugar and cook over steam until cream has received the required density and add 200 g broken dark chocolate. Cook until custard is dense enough so you can see the bottom of the bowl while withdrawing the wooden spoon with which it is mixed. Allow the custard to cool down a bit and add filling foam whipped butter. Equalize the mixture.

Fill the crust and smear all over the cake. Decorate as you wish
