

Explaining SEX to kids... - Objasnjenje sexa deci

Heterosexual - heteroseksualan

Gay - peder

Lesbian - lezbejka

Interracial - medjurasni

Trio (man and two women) - Trio (muskarac i dve zene)

Trio (woman and two man) - Trio (zena i dva muskarca)

Gifted - obdaren

Ungifted - neobdaren

Without prottecion - bez zastite

Transvestite - travestit

Pill "morning after" - pilula "jutro posle"

With elderly - sa starijima

Eunuch - evnuh

Swingers - svingeri

Fetishism - fetisizam

Brothel - javna kuca

Menstruation - menstruacija

Ejaculation - ejakulacija

Egg white can help you - Belance vam moze pomoci

Remember this!
Membrane from RAW EGGS separated from the rind (slowly that it not bursts) and place it on the callus.
 Firefighters are learning this during training: when it comes to burns, whatever their size is:
First aid consists in the fact that the damaged area put under running cold water until the temperature decreases and stops burn layers skin, and then coated with egg white.
One person was burned most of the hands with hot water. Despite the pain, she put hand in cold water and then took two egg whites, a little whipped them and then put on his hand.
The hand was so burned that when he coated the egg white, the skin dry and the egg is made ​​a kind of membrane. This person knew that egg whites are natural collagen and continued for at least an hour coated hand with egg white. In the afternoon, no longer felt the pain and the next day left just redness at the site of burns. She was afraid that she will remain an ugly scar, but to her surprise, ten days later, was no longer any trace of burns and even skin regained its original color.

   Ovu metodu uče vatrogasci tijekom obuke: kad dođe do opekotina, kolika
god da je njihova površina:

    Prva pomoć se sastoji u tome da se oštećena zona stavi pod mlaz
hladne vode sve dok se temperatura ne smanji i prestanu gorjeti slojevi
kože, a zatim se opekotina premaže bjelanjkom.
Jedna osoba je opekla veći dio ruke vrelom vodom. Usprkos bolu, stavila  je
ruku pod mlaz hladne vode a zatim uzela dva bjelanjka, malo ih umutila i u
njih zaronila ruku.
Ruka je bila toliko izgorjela da kad ju je premazala bjelanjkom, koža se
osušila a od bjelanjka se napravila neka vrsta opne. Ta osoba je znala da je
bjelanjak prirodni kolagen i nastavila je  najmanje sat vremena premazivati
ruku bjelanjkom. Poslije podne više nije osjećala bol a sutradan je ostalo
samo crvenilo na mjestu opekotine.
Bojala se da će joj ostati ružan ožiljak, ali na njeno veliko iznenađenje,
desetak dana kasnije, nije više bilo ni traga opekotine, čak je koža
povratila svoju prvobitnu boju.



Blooming Onion - Cvet od crnog luka

  Blooming Onion

 What you need

  • A sharp knife
  • Frying pan (deep enough to deluge the whole onion)
  • A big plate
  • Two, big dishes for flour and eggs
  • A small dish for your dip (it needs to be placed in the middle of an onion)
Supplies/Ingredients :
  • One egg
  • One cup of milk
  • One cup of flour
  • 1 1/2 teespoons of salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon black peppe
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of herbs to taste
  • 2 big onions
  • Canola oil for taste
Take the largest onion you managed to buy. Cut off the opposite side of the root, somewhere between half and three quarters of the onion (the closer to the half, the easier it gets).

Peel the onion and cut off the root and flush under cold water then dry.
With a large, sharp knife, make cuts at right angles, like a pizza, but instead of 8 bits, make at least 16 and ideally 32 cuts. Be careful not to cut through the onion, stopping these cuts about 2 cm before reaching the base.
To let her become flower-shaped drop the onion buds down, opening it (leave for two hours in the refrigerator it will speed up the process).

Mix the flour with the salt, peppers and thyme. Sprinkle the onion with flour in enough quantity to get in between the buds of onion. Remove the excess.
Dip the top down in the milk mixture and eggs and again add flour and remove excess (step 7). Now it is ready for frying.

Put enough oil into the frying pan to submerge the onion. Bring oil to high temperature. With the help of a skimmer, put the onion top down and fry for 2 minutes. Turn it and fry for another two minutes, turn it over and fry another 2 minutes.
Remove it. Pat dry with paper towel and place it on the plate.
Secure the center with a fork, and with a sharp knife, remove the the inside to make a place for a dip dish.
Now put the dip inside and enjoy the taste of this Onion Blossom.


Cvet od crnog lika

 Sta je potrebno:

Alat :
  • Ostar noz
  • Tiganj za przenje (dovoljno dubok da se potopi celi luk)
  • Veliki tanjir za serviranje
  • Dve velike posude za brasno i jaja
  • Mala posuda za umak(potrebna da se stavi u sredinu gotovog luka)
Sastojci :
  •    1                jaje
  •    1                solja mleka
  •    1                solja brasna
  • 1,5 kasicica   soli
  • 1,5 kasicica   aleve paprike
  • 0,5 kasicice   crnog bibera
  • 0,5 kasicice   belog lika u prahu
  • 1/4 kasicice   zacina po ukusu
  •    2 velika      crna luka
  • Canola -       ulje od repice za ukus

 Kupite najveci luk koji nadjete. Isecite sa suprotne strane od korena, negde izmedju polovine i tri cetvrtine od korena (blize polovini, lakse je za rad)

Oljustiti luk i iseci koren, isprati hladnom vodom i zatim osusiti
With a large, sharp knife, make cuts at right angles, like a pizza, but instead of 8 bits, make at least 16 and ideally 32 cuts. Be careful not to cut through the onion, stopping these cuts about 2 cm before reaching the base.
 Velikim, ostrim nozem napraviti rezove pod pravim uglom kao kad se sece pizza, na 8, 16 ali najbolje ako velicina luka dozvoljava na 32 parceta-reza. Budite pazljivi da ne presecete luk do kraja, da se ne bi parcici odvojili i ispali. Secite bar 2cm od baze korena.

 Da bi napravili cvet razdvojite luk kao latice(da bi se proces ubrzo stavite luk oko dva sata u frizider)

 Pomesajte brasno, so, papriku i majcinu dusicu - timijan. Pospite luk sa dosta brasna da ima dovoljno brasna izmedju latica. Otresite visak.

 Potopite luk u mesavinu mleka i jaja i ponovo pospite brasnom. Sdad je spreman za przenje.
Sipajte dovoljno ulja u tiganj, serpu ili fritezu da luk moze da se zaroni. Dobro zagrejte ulje. Polako spustite luk pazeci da se latice ne otkinu i przite 2min, zatim okrenite i przite jis 2min.

Izvadite luk, stavite na papirnu salvetu da upije visak masnoce, a zatim servirajte na tanjir

Viljuskom fiksirajte luk i nozem isecite krug u sredini cveta od luka za ciniju sa zacinom-umakom
Stavite posudicu sa umakom u sredinu cveta od luka i uzivajte

Dumplings of egg whites with cream - Snenokle

Dumplings of egg whites with cream

  1 l                   milk
  3                     egg
  3 tablespoon   sugar for dumplings
  4 tablespoon   sugar for cream
  2 tablespoon   flour
20 g                  vanilla powder or 1 vanilla

Take one cup of milk from the prepared 1 l and put it on side. Warm the remaining milk on the stove until it reaches 80 degrees C - 175 F. It is crucial that the milk is not boiling while you're cooking the dumpling-nokle in it.
Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the inside with a knife. Put the bean in the milk. While the milk is getting warm, separate the egg-whites and egg-yolks and whisk the egg-whites until soft peaks form. Add the sugar and whisk until hard peaks form.
Take a spoonful of whisked egg-white "snow" and use a second spoon to form a "nokle"-dumplings with it (see picture of the nokle).

 Drop the nokle-dumplings into the hot milk and let it cook for 2 minutes. Flip it over and cook for another 2 minutes. Take the nokle-dumplings out of the milk with perforated spoon and put them in a bowl. Repeat until you've used up all the egg-whites.
When all the nokle-dumplings are cooked, there will be some residue milk at the bottom of your bowl. Carefully drain it back into the pot. Mix the egg-yolks with vanilla and sugar, whisking until sugar is melted. Add flour and the one cup of milk you reserved. Constantly whisking pour hot milk slowly. Pour the mixture back into the pot and cook at medium heat until the cream thickens (it should reach 90 degrees C / 195 F).
Pour the hot vanilla cream over the nokle-dumplings and let it cool to room temperature. Put then in fridge for a few hours.



1 l            mleka
3              jaja
3 kasike   secera za nikle
4 kasike   secera za krem
2 kasike   brasna
2 kesice   vanillin secera ili sipka vanile

Uzeti jednu solju mleka od pripremljenog 1 l i ostaviti ga na stranu. Zagrejati preostalo mleko na sporetu dok ne dostigne 80 stepeni C -175 F. Bitno je da mleko ne prokljuca dok se kuvaju nokle u njemu.
     Iseci vanilu po duzini i sastrugati unutrasnjost nozem. Staviti zrnca u mleko. Dok se mleko greje, odvojiti belanca od zumanaca i umutiti belanca. Dodati secer i umutiti u cvrst sneg-sne.
Uzeti kasikom umucen "sneg" i koristeci drugu kasiku formirati nokle (vidi sliku).
Stavljajti nocke u vruce mleko i ostaviti da se kuva 2 minuta. Okrenuti na drugu stranu i kuvati još 2 minuta. Vaditi nokle iz mleka rupicastom kasikom i stavljati ih u ciniju. Ponavljati dok ne potrosi sav sne.
Kada su skuvane sve nokle na dnu posude ce se sakupiti malo mleka. Pazljivo ga vratiti nazad u lonac. Pomesati zumanca sa secerom i vanilom i mutiti dok se secer ne istopi. Dodati brasno i solju mleka koja je zadrzana. Sipati polako i toplo mleko stalno mesajuci. Sipati smesu nazad u lonac i kuvati na umerenoj vatri dok se krem ne zgusne ( treba da dostigne 90 stepeni C / 195 F ).
Sipati topli vanil krem preko nokli i ostavitie da se ohladi na sobnoj temperaturi. Stavite zatim u frizider nekoliko sati.
Uzivajte !