

Miracle balm - Cudo melem

Miracle balm

1 boiled egg ( only the yolk a little squeeze on the saucer )
400 ml vegetable oil (I have used St. John's Wort, which I made ​​myself)
a piece of beeswax - about 60 g (about the size of a two matchboxes)

 Cook the egg. We will take only the yolk. Put it on saucer and little squeeze it.
Pour the oil in enamel saucepan and add wax. Put on a low heat and wait until the wax melts.

 When you heard a "crackling", take the yolk and drop in oil with wax, bit by bit. The oil will begin to foam, so be prepared quickly to remove the saucepan from heat.

When the oil is "calm", put it back again on the stove. Continue to throw the yolk to the end, constantly stirring wooden spoon. Mixture will change color and became dark brown.

Remove from the stove and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Filter through the cheesecloth or fine sieve strainer. The rest, crumbs of yolks, throw.

When the fat - balm has cooled, put it in a glass jar and close the lid. Fat is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months.
Balm is very effective. If the balm is used for lining, it is necessary to heat it on the steam (at about 40 degrees)
This miracle balm treats:
1.      Sinusitis: Melt the balm in a tablespoon and immediately pour into the pipette. To not the balm be squeezed, do this quickly. Pour in your nose twice a day with an interval of one hour. Doctors claim that you can rid of the monthly sinusitis. Balm "breaks through" the sinuses and draws to himself all the pus with great violence.
2.      Suppurative otitis: A bent piece of cotton wool dipped in balm put this in your ear. Replace as needed, lubricate with balm behind the ear. Balm pulls out all the pus. So treat all otitis, not only purulent.
3.      Purulent tonsillitis, abscesses in the throat, tonsillitis: Put the balm in the throat and lining on the neck. If you do it in evening, repeating the procedure 2-3 times, in the morning abscess burst.
4.      Bronchitis, pain in the stomach, intestines, ulcers on the body, the eyes stye: Three times a day before meals, take half a teaspoon of balm.
5.      Gynecology: fibromioma to 10 weeks, ovarian cysts, inflammation, mastitis. Put the sodden tampon with this balm into the vagina in the morning and evening. There are claims that after ten days, the cysts will be only memories. For fibromiome, it will be take longer. Mastitis, on the breast put the paper towel, dipped in balm, and from above - plastic bags. If possible, change every 2 hours.
6.      Burns, ulcers, sores, swelling, toothache, pain in the joints heals the balm. Apply on the affected area and wraps, overnight. You can only use a bent piece of cotton, dipped in balm, if wounds are not great. You will be surprised at the result! If you have a toothache – take the balm with a clean finger and daub the aching tooth and gum, pain will disappear.
7.      Atrophic ulcers, gangrene: put paper towels soaked with balm, and changed every 2 hours. Profusely from the wound will ooze pus. You will convince yourself that it will progress this saving treatment, in spite of all kinds of expensive drugs.
8.      Everything that daub - do it over the night. Diseased joints, knees - lining and wrap.
9.      Balm is good for strengthening nails - rubbing the nails in the evening.

All diseases will begin to recede, thanks to this balm, miracle balm.

Note: must be a natural wax, beeswax. For external use, you can use any vegetable oil. For internal use - better olive.
Cudo — melem

1 jaje 
 400 ml biljnog ulja (ja sam koristila kantarionovo, koje sam sama napravila) 
komadic pcelinjeg voska — okoo 60 gr (otprilike velicine kao dve kutije sibica) 


Skuva se jaje. Bice potrebno samo zumance. Njega treba staviti na tacnicu i malo izgnjeciti 
 - u emajliranu serpicu nasuti ulje 
- komadic voska spustiti u ulje
- staviti na laganu vatru i cekati dok se vosak istopi
- cim se bude culo «pucketanje» , uzeti zumance i prstima bacati u ulje sa voskom, mrvicu po mrvicu
- ulje ce poceti da se peni, pa budite spremni da brzo uklonite serpicu sa vatre 
- kada se ulje «smiri», ponovo ga vratiti na sporet
- nastavite bacati zumance do kraja, stalno mesajuci kasikom
- smesa ce promeniti boju i postati tamno braon
- skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti na 15-20 minuta
- procediti kroz gazu ili cediljku sa sitnim sitom.
- ostatke (mrvice zumanceta) baciti
Kada se mast ohladi, staviti je u staklenu teglu i zatvoriti poklopcem. Mast se cuva u frizideru do 10 meseci.
Mast je veoma efikasna. Ako se mast koristi za obloge, potrebno je ugrejati na vodenoj pari (na otprilike 40 stepeni)

Ovaj cudo — melem leci:
1.      Upalu sinusa. Istopite mast u kasiki i odmah naspite u pipetu. Da se ne bi mast stegla, radite ovo brzo. Nakapati u nos dva puta dnevno sa intervalom od jednog sata. Lekari tvrde da se mozete otarasiti i mesecnog sinusitisa. Mast «probija» sinuse i povlaci na sebe sav gnoj sa velikom jacinom.
2.      Gnojni otitis. Savijeni komadic vate, umocen u ovu mast staviti u uvo. Po potrebi menjati, uz to mazati mast iza uha. Mast izvlaci sav gnoj. Tako se lece svi otitisi, ne samo gnojni.
3.      Gnojna angina, apcesi u grlu, upala krajnika. Staviti mast u grlo i obloge na vrat. Ako se radi navece, ponavljajuci proceduru 2-3 puta, ujutru ce apces puci.
4.      Bronhitis, bol u zelucu, crevima, cirevi na telu, cmicak na ocima. Tri puta na dan pre obroka, uzimati po pola kasicice masti.
5.      Zenske bolesti: fibromioma do 10 nedelja, ciste na jajnicima, upale, mastitis. U vaginu se stavljaju tamponi sa ovom masti ujutru i uvece. Postoje tvrdnje da posle desetak dana, od ciste ce ostati samo uspomene. Za fibromiome treba duze vremena. Kod mastitisa, na grudi se stavlja papirna salveta, umocena u mast, preko — najlon kesa. Po mogucnosti, menjati na svaka 2 sata.
6.     Opekotine, cirevi, rane, otoci, zubobolja, bol u zglobovima leci ova mast. Nanosi se na obolelo mesto preko noci i umotava se. Mozete samo komadicem vate, natopljenim u mast, ako rane nisu velike. Iznenadicete se rezultatom! Ako boli zub — mast se uzima cistim prstom i maze se bolni zub i desni, bol ce nestati.
7.      Troficki cirevi, gangrena: stavljati papirne salvete natopljene mascu i menjati na svaka 2 sata. Iz rana ce obilato curiti gnoj. Uvericete se i sami kako ce napredovati ovo spasonosno lecenje, uprkos svim vrstima skupih lekova.
8.      Sve sto se maze — radi se na noc. Obloge na bolesne zglobove, kolena — umotavati.
9.      Mast je dobra za ojacavanje noktiju — utrljati u nokte uvece.

Sve bolesti pocece da se povlace, zahvaljujuci ovoj masti, cudo — melem.

Napomena: vosak mora biti naturalni, pcelinji. Za spoljnu upotrebu moze se koristiti bilo koje biljno ulje. Za unutrasnju — bolje je maslinovo.


Chutney with horseradish and green tomato - Ajvar sa renom i zelenim paradajzom

Chutney with horseradish and green tomato

    3 kg   red peppers
    3 kg   green tomato
300 g     horseradish
   ½ l      oil

Wash peppers and clean them of seeds. Grind peppers and green tomato on the meat machine and cook until all the water has evaporated. Add horseradish and add slowly hot oil. Fry until to absorb oil and then put in hot jar. Close and leave to cool wrapped in a blanket. Cold chutney leave until use.
Ajvar sa renom i zelenim paradajzom

    3 kg   crvenih paprika
    3 kg   zelenog paradajza
300 g     rena
   ½ l      ulja

Oprati paprika i ocistiti ih od semena. Samleti paprika i zeleni paradajz na masini za meso pa dinstati dok sva voda ne uvri. Dodati ren i polako dadavati vrelo ulje. Prziti dok se masa ne sjedini i upije svo ulje a zatim ajvar sipati u vruce tegle. Zatvoriti tegle i ostaviti da se ohladi umotano u cebe. Hladan ajvar ostaviti do upotrebe.

Chutney with horseradish - Ajvar sa renom

Chutney with horseradish
    5 kg     red peppers
400 g       oil
to taste   salt
to taste   vinegar
to taste   garlic
to taste   horseradish (about 500 g grated or ground the meat machine)

Wash peppers and clean them of seeds. Grind peppers on the meat machine and cook until all the water has evaporated. Add oil, fry a little, and then add salt, vinegar, garlic and horseradish to taste. Fry to density when you drag with wooden spoon at the bottom of saucepan there leave trace. Pour the chutney in hot jar, put in warm oven and leave to cool. Close the cold chutney and leave until use.
Ajvar sa renom

    5 kg     crvenih paprika
400 g       ulja
po ukusu  so
po ukusu  sirce
po ukusu  beli luk
po ukusu  ren (oko 500 g rendanog ili mlevenog na masini za meso)

Oprati paprike i ocistiti od semena. Samleti na masini za meso i dinstati dok ne uvri sva voda. Dodati ulje, prprziti malo pa dodati so, sirce, beli luk i ren po ukusu. Prziti do gustine kad se povuce varjacom po dnu da ostaje trag. Sipati u vruce tegle pa ostaviti u toploj rerni da se potpuno ohladi. Zatvoriti tegle i ostaviti do upotrebe.