

Cooling cucumber skin toner - Tonik od krastavca

Cooling cucumber skin toner
Tonik od krastavca

This toner is very mild and works well for all skin types. Cucumber is great for soothing and softening skin because it has the same pH as healthy skin.
-  Ovaj tonik je vrlo blag tako da je pogodan za sve vrste koze. Krastavac je odlican za smirenje i omeksavanje koze jer ima istu pH vrednost kao i koza.

For toner you needza ovaj tonik je potrebno:
1/2 cucumber with peel, chopped ½ iseckanog krastavca sa ljuskom
3 tablespoons witch hazel – 3 kasike biljke witch hazel
2 tablespoons distilled water – 2 kasike destilovane vode

Preparation - priprema:
Put all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids, and then pour the toner into a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Store this toner in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life—it should last for several weeks.
- Staviti sve sastojke u blender i izmiksati dok ne postane glatka masa. Procediti masu kroz finu cediljku ili sito da se odstrane svi cvrsti sastojci a zatim sipati tonik u bocicu. Cuvati tonik u frizideru kako bi duze trajao. Moze da stoji nekoliko nedelja.

To use, apply the toner to your face using a clean cotton ball.
- Za uputrebu, sipati toner na vatu i tonirati lice.
Witch hazel

Witch-hazel (Hamamelis, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hamamelidaceae, with three species in North America (H. ovalis, H. virginiana and H. vernalis), and one each in Japan (H. japonica) and China (H. mollis). The North American species are occasionally called winterbloom.
- Witch-hazel (Hamamelis, je rod od cvetnica u porodici Hamamelidaceae , sa tri vrste u Severnoj Americi ( H. ovalis , H. virginiana H. vernalis ) , i po jedan u Japanu ( H. japonica ) i Kini ( H. mollis ) . Severnoameričke vrste se povremeno nazivaju vinterbloom.
Here are the pictures evo i fotografija:
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis Japonica
Hamamelis japonica0

For your breaks in the garden - Za vase odmore u basti

For your breaks in the garden
Za vase odmore u basti

Here are some ideas for interesting chairs or deckchairs you can make for your breaks in your garden
-            Evo nekih interesantnih ideja za stolice ili lezaljke koje mozete napraviti za odmor u vasoj basti


Wafers with coconut - Oblande sa kokosom

Wafers with coconut

      3                    whole eggs
   10 tablespoon   milk
 500 g                  sugar
     4 tablespoon   grinded walnuts
250 g                   butter
100 g                   coconut powder
100 g                   chocolate (grinded or melted)
    1 higher packing wafer

Whisk eggs with sugar and add milk. Mix it well to get a compact mass and cook on steam to a density that you can see the trace on the bottom of the bowl. Add fluffy whipped butter in a little cooled cream and mix it again to a compact mass. Then slowly mix it walnuts, coconut and chocolate into the mass and fill the wafers.

 Optionally can divide the mass, in a half add the chocolate and the other leave to be white. As every wafers press it with something heavy and leave for several hours.
Oblande sa kokosom

      3             cela jajeta
   10 kasika   mleka
 500 g           secera
     4 kasika   mlevenih oraha
250 g            maslaca
100 g            kokosa
100 g            cokolade (rendane ili otopljene)
    1 vece pakovanje oblandi

Umutiti jaja sa secerom pa dodati mleko. Umutiti u kompaktnu masu i kuvati na pari dok se pri mesanju ne pojavi trag na dnu posude. Dodati penasto umucen maslac u malo prohladjen krem i ponovo mesati da se masa ujedini. Kad je masa sjedinjena polako umesati orahe, kokos i cokoladu pa filovati oblande. Po zelji krem se moze podeliti i u jednu polovinu dodati cokoladu a druga ostaje samo sa kokosom i orasima. Kao i svaku oblandu kad je nafilovana pritisnuti neci teskim i ostaviti nekoliko sati.

Grilijash wafers - Grilijas oblande

Grilijash wafers

First, let me explain what it is and how to make grilijash.
Grilijash is melted sugar on low heat to become light brown and added chopped walnuts. Stir quick to wrap nuts and remove from stove. Pour onto the oiled and a little warmed plate. When it is cooled, grind it on grinder nuts. That is grilijash.

For this wafers you need:
    4      whole eggs
500 g   sugar
250 g   butter
200 g   chopped walnuts (optionally if you like)
200 g   walnuts for grilijash
    1 higher packing wafer

Whisk 4 eggs with 300 g sugar and cook on the steam. When it is thickly to see the trace on bottom of bowl (where you cook it), remove it from stove.
Separately whisk foamy the butter. Add the foamy butter and grilijas in a little cooled cream. Add chopped walnuts if you like.
Fill the wafers with this mass. Optionally can overflow with the chocolate glaze
Grilijash prepare on this way:
Melt 200g sugar on a low heat to become a light brown. Add in sugar preparation on that way 200g walnuts and pour the mass onto the oiled and a little warm plate. When it is cooled, grind it on grinder nuts.
Notice: This wafer is very tasty without chopped walnuts but if you love chopped walnuts in cookies add it.
Grilijas oblande

Prvo da objasnim sta je grilijas i kako se pravi.
Grilijas je rastopljeni secer na slaboj vatri do svetlo braon boje u koji su dodati seckani orasi. Masu brzo promesati tako da se orasi lepo umotaju u rastopljeni secer pa izruciti na nauljen i malo zagrejan tanjir. Kad se masa ohladi samleti na masini za orahe. To je grilijas.

Za ove oblande potrebno je
    4      cela jajeta
500 g   secera
250 g   maslaca
200 g   seckanih oraha (ako volite)
200 g   oraha za grilijas
    1 vece pakovanje oblandi

Umutiti 4 jajeta sa 300 g secera i kuvati na pari. Kada je dovoljno gusto da ostaje trag na posudi u kojoj se kuva, skloniti sa sporeta.
Posebno penasto umutiti maslac pa ga dodati u malo prohladjen krem. Izjednaciti masu pa dodati samljeven grilijas. Dodati i seckane orahe ako volite.
Filovati oblande ovom masom. Po zelji moze se staviti glazura od cokolade.
Grilijas pripremiti na sledeci nacin:
Otopiti 200g secera na tihoj vatri do svetlo braon boje. Dodati u rastopljeni secer 200g oraha da se lepo obaviju secerom pa masu izruciti na nauljen i malo zagrejan tanjir. Kad se masa ohladi samleti je na masini za orahe.

Napomena: Ove oblande su vrlo ukusne i bez seckanih oraha ali ako volite ukus seckanih oraha u kolacima dodajte ih.