

Chocolate roll - Cokoladni rolat

Chocolate roll

Rummage through the mine recipes and recipes of my mother I find this recipe for a very tasty chocolate roll I didn't prepare for a long time. It's not difficult to prepare and I want to share it with you.

For crust of roll:
    7                      eggs
    7 tablespoon    sugar
150 g                   ground walnuts
    1 tablespoon    flour
    2 tablespoons   oil
    2 bars               melted chocolate
For fill:
200 g    ground walnuts
150 g    sugar
100 g    chopped raisins
  10 g    vanilla sugar
100 g    butter
             hot milk
For the glaze:
100 g         butter
    3 bars    chocolate

Crust:  Stir the egg yolks with sugar until the sugar melted, and add melted chocolate and oil. Whisk the egg white in the other dish and slowly stir into the mass. When you get a compact mass, add ground walnuts and flour and stir to combine. Pour into the coated and sprinkled with flour baking try on 356 F (180 C). Baked crust of roll wrap in wet napkin (dishcloth) and roll.
Fill: Ground walnuts gradually spilling with boiling milk to get a dense mass. Stir a little on the stove and add sugar, chocolate, raisins, vanilla sugar and butter.
Glaze: Melt the chocolate on a low heat and slowly add butter.
Direction: Spread the fill over the crust and roll. Bespread the hot glaze over the roll.
Cut the slices and serve.
Bon appetit!
Cokoladni rolat

Preturajuci po mojim receptima i receptima moje majke nasla sam ovaj recept za vrlo ukusan cokoladni rolat koji dugo nisam spremala. Nije tesko spremiti ga pa sam pozelela da ga podelim sa vama.

Za koru rolata:
    7                      jaja
    7 kasika           secera
150 g                   mlevenih oraha
    1 kasika           brasna
    2 kasike           ulja
    2 stangle         rastopljene cokolade
Za fil:
200 g    mlevenih oraha
150 g    secera
100 g    seckanog suvog grozdja
  10 g    vanilin secera
100 g    maslac
             vrelo mleko
za glazuru:
100 g             maslac
    3 stangle    cokolade

Kora: Umutiti zumanca sa secerom dok se secer ne otopi pa dodati otopljenu cokoladu i ulje. Posebno umutiti belanca i lagano umesati u masu. Kada se dobije kompaktna masa dodati mlevene orahe i brasno i polako umesati. Sipati masu u podmazan i brasnom posut pleh i peci na180C (356 F). Peceu koru rolata uviti u vlaznu salvetu ili kuhinjsku krpu.
Fil: Mlevene orahe polako popariti vrelim mlekom da se dobije gusta masa. Promesati malo na sporetu pa dodati secer, cokoladu, suvo grozdje, vanilin secer i maslac.
Glazura: Rastopiti cokoladu na tihoj vatri i polako dodavati maslac.
Spremanje rolata: Premazati koru filom i urolati. Premazati rolat toplom glazurom.
Seci na parcice i posluziti.

Roll with cream and ham -Rolat sa mileramom i sunkom

Roll with cream and ham

120 g                butter
120 g                 flour
   ½ l                 milk
    6                    eggs
pinch                 of salt
400 ml               cream
  ½ kg                ham
    2 tablespoon   parmesan
to taste              pepper

Stir flour in melted butter and gradually add milk and a little salt. Cook on low heat to density like flummery. Stir all the time and when the mass is density add one by one 6 egg yolks. When you get a compact mass, add egg white you whisk before. Pour the mass into the larger greased with butter baking tray on 437 F (225 C) until golden brown. Baked crust of roll wrap in wet napkin (dishcloth) and roll.
Stir 200 ml cream with finely chopped ham and pepper.
Smear the fill over the crust and roll. Bespread the roll with remaining cream and sprinkle with parmesan. Cut the roll on slices and serve.
Bon appetit!
Rolat sa mileramom i sunkom

120 g                maslaca
120 g                brasna
   ½ l                 mleka
    6                    jaja
malo                  soli
400 ml               milerama
  ½ kg                sunke
    2 kasike         parmezana
po ukusu           bibera

Umutiti brasno u rastopljen maslac i polako dodavati mleko i malo soli. Kuvati na tihoj vatri dok se ne dobije gustina kao kacamak. Mesati sve vreme i kad se zgusne dodavati jedno po jedno 6 zumanaca. Na kraju dodati cvrst sneg od belanaca. Sipati masu u maslacem premazan veci pleh i peci na temperaturi  od 225 C (437 F) dok ne porumeni. Pecenu koru za rolat uviti u vlazan salvet ili kuhinjsku krpu i urolati.
Izmesati 200 ml milerama sa sitno iseckanom sunkom i biberom po ukusu.
Premazati koru rolata filom i urolati. Premazati rolat sa preostalim mileramom i posuti parmezanom. Seci rolat na parcice i sluziti.

Pink chicken salad - Pink salata sa piletinom

Pink chicken salad

    1                     chicken about 1,5 – 2 kg
    1                     onion
    1 handful        finely chopped bacon
    2 dl                 sour cream
    2 teaspoon      horseradish
    2 tablespoon   mustard
200 g                  mayonnaise
    1 tablespoon   coarsely grated beets and chopped into small noodles

Cook chicken, clean from skin and bones, and chopped it on finely cubes. In special pan fry finely chopped onion with handful finely chopped bacon. Mix chicken with onion and bacon and add sour cream, horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise and beets. Stir slowly to compact mass. You get beautiful and tasty pink salad.
Bon appetit!
Pink salata od piletine

    1                     pile tesko oko 1,5 – 2 kg
    1                     crni luk
    1 saka             sitno seckane slanine
    2 dl                 pavlake
    2 kasicice       rena
    2 kasike          senfa
200 g                  majoneza
    1 kasika          krupno rendane cvekle ili seckane na sitnije rezance

Obarite pile i odstranite kosti i kozicu pa meso sitno iseckajte. U posebnom sudu proprzite sitno seckan crni luk sa sakom sitno seckane slanine. Pomesajte pilece meso i luk sa slaninom pa dodajte pavlaku, ren, senf, majonez i cveklu. Lagano izmesajte sastojke da se masa ujednaci. Dobili ste divnu roze (pink) salatu, a uz to i ukusnu.


Classic beefsteak roll - Klasican rolat od junetine

Classic beefsteak roll

4                     beefsteak
4                     slice of bacon
4                     pickles
2                     onions
2 tablespoon   mustard
2 tablespoon   melted butter
salt and pepper

For sauce:
   1 root        parsley
   1 root        parsnip
  ½ root        celery
   3 roots       carrots
250 ml          red wine
400 ml          broth (or instant beef soup)
½ teaspoon   thyme
½ teaspoon   basil

Meat season with salt and pepper to taste then spread with mustard and place bacon on it. One of the onions cut into the rings and arrange onto the steaks. On the top put the pickles and roll the steak. Fasten the ends of steaks with wooden toothpicks. Roll beefsteak fry on butter.
Finely chop another onion. Parsley, parsnip, celery and carrots chop on finely square and all of that pour with wine and broth. Add the other spices. Cook about 1 hour in covered pot. Sauce serves with beefsteak roll.
Bon appetit!


Klasican rolat od teletine (junetine)

4                     junece snicle
4                     parceta slanine
4                     kisela krastavceta
2                     luka
2 kasike          senfa
2 kasike          rastopljenog butera
So i biber

Za sos:
   1 koren        persuna
   1 koren        paskanata
  ½ korena      celera
   3 korena      sargarepa
250 ml            crvenog vina
400 ml            bujona ili instant govedje supe
½ kasicice      majcine dusice
½ kasicice      bosiljka

Meso posolite i pobiberite po ukusu a zatim premazite senfom. Na svaku sniclu stavite parce slanine. Luk isecite na krugove i stavite preko slanine. Na luk stavite kiseli krastavac i zavijte filovanu sniclu u rolat. Krajeve rolata pricvrstite drvenim cackalicama. Rolat prziti na buteru.
Sitno isecite drugi luk. Persun, paskanat, celer i sargarepu iseckajte na sitne kockice i zalijte vinom i bujonom. Dodajte i druge zacine pa dinstajte oko 1 sat u poklopljenoj posudi. Sos servirati sa rolovanim sniclama. Prijatno!