
Health and...products


Cooling cucumber skin toner
Tonik od krastavca

This toner is very mild and works well for all skin types. Cucumber is great for soothing and softening skin because it has the same pH as healthy skin.
-  Ovaj tonik je vrlo blag tako da je pogodan za sve vrste koze. Krastavac je odlican za smirenje i omeksavanje koze jer ima istu pH vrednost kao i koza.
For toner you needza ovaj tonik je potrebno:
1/2 cucumber with peel, chopped ½ iseckanog krastavca sa ljuskom
3 tablespoons witch hazel – 3 kasike boljke witch hazel
2 tablespoons distilled water – 2 kasike destilovane vode
Preparation - priprema:
Put all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids, and then pour the toner into a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Store this toner in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life—it should last for several weeks.
- Staviti sve sastojke u blender i izmiksati dok ne postane glatka masa. Procediti masu kroz finu cediljku ili sito da se odstrane svi cvrsti sastojci a zatim sipati tonik u bocicu. Cuvati tonik u frizideru kako bi duze trajao. Moze da stoji nekoliko nedelja.
To use, apply the toner to your face using a clean cotton ball.
- Za uputrebu, sipati toner na vatu i tonirati lice.
Witch hazel
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hamamelidaceae, with three species in North America (H. ovalis, H. virginiana and H. vernalis), and one each in Japan (H. japonica) and China (H. mollis). The North American species are occasionally called winterbloom.
- Witch-hazel (Hamamelis, je rod od cvetnica u porodici Hamamelidaceae , sa tri vrste u Severnoj Americi ( H. ovalis , H. virginiana H. vernalis ) , i po jedan u Japanu ( H. japonica ) i Kini ( H. mollis ) . Severnoameričke vrste se povremeno nazivaju vinterbloom.
Here are the pictures evo i fotografija:
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis Japonica
Hamamelis japonica0


Tea for stomach

From " Peoples physician" from Vasa Pelagic

You need:

1 l water

1 stalks of plant Tanacetum balsamita, or Balsamita vulgaris (Chrysanthemum Tanacetum balsamita-balsamita). Other names: goloper, Bible leaf, camphoric plant, costmary, alecost, balsam herb or mint geranium.

1 stalk of plant yarrow (Achillea millefolium, known commonly as yarrow or common yarrow)

1 stalk of plant Hypericum perforatum, also known as St John's wort


In boiling water put all of this plant and cook until the water turns yellow.

How to use:

1 cup in the morning before eat, but you can drink it instead water.
Caj za zeludac
Iz knjige "Narodni lekar" od Vase Pelagica
Potrebno je:
1 l vode
1 struk biljke Kaloper (Chrysanthemum balsamita -Tanacetum balsamita) DRUGI NAZIVI: goloper, biblijski list, kamforna biljka
1 struk biljke  Hajdučka trava, Achillca millefolium još i : hajdučica, ajdučica, kunica, sporiš, sporiševina, stolisnik, armanj, ravanj, beli ravanj, belo ivanjsko cveće, kunji rep, mesečina, jalova mesečina, paprac, petrovsko cveće, romanika, kostrijat, tintorova trava I mnoga druga imena
1 struk biljke Kantarion (kantarijon, bogorodična trava, gospino zelje, sentjanzovka, sentjanzevka ili Hypericum perforatum)
U ljkucalu vodu staviti sve biljke i kuvati dok voda ne pozuti.
Kako koristiti:
1 solja ujutru pre jela, ali moze se piti i umesto vode.

 High blood pressure
Visok krvni pritisak

You have a high blood pressure. Try this natural preparation – Imate visok krvni pritisak? Probajte ovaj prirodni preparat

You need – potrebno vam je:
3 – 4     root of wild blackberries 3 – 4   zile (korena) divlje kupine
      2 l   water                                       2 l vode

Preparation priprema:
Cook 3 – 4 roots of wild blackberries in 2 l water. Cook until you have a half of liquid. Decant and use optionally (when your pressure is high) 1 coffee cup in the morning and 1 coffee cup in the evening. Optionally add sugar.
Kuvati 3 – 4 zile divlje kupine u 2 l vode dok ne uvri na pola. Procediti i po potrebi (kad vam je pritisak visok) piti po 1 kafenu soljicu ujutru i uvece. Po potrebi zasladiti.


Homemade natural translucent powder
Prirodan puder u prahu kucne izrade

You can make this powder for yourself and save your money for something other. Make it especially because it's all natural. All you need is organic cornstarch and French green clay and for tint a little bit organic cocoa.
Mozete sami napraviti puder u prahu i ustedeti novac za nesto drugo. Napravite ovaj puder posebno zato sto je sve prirodno. Sve sto vam je potrebno je organski skrob i (francuska) zelena glina u prahu i za toniranje malo organskog kakaa.

Cornstarch is sometimes used in makeup because it offers great oil absorption. It is not a drying agent; it just absorbs what’s there. So if you have dry skin, don’t be afraid. It does have a lifetime, so make a note of that (1 year or longer). – Kukuruzni skrob se nekad koristi u kozmetici zato sto veoma dobro upija ulja, tecnosti odnosno apsorbuje tecne supstance. On ne isusuje, samo upija ono sto je na kozi. Ako imate suvu kozu nije potrebno plasiti se nece je isusivati jos vise. Obratite paznju na rok trajanja skroba jer on ima rok trajanja pa zapisite to na bocici.
French Green Clay is often used in resorts for facials and spa treatments. It’s pretty great at absorbing dirt, oil and bacteria while being gentle on pores. – Zelena glina se cesto koristi u banjama za tretmane lica ili druge banjske tretmane. Ona je prilicno dobar upijac – sakupljac prljavstine, ulja i bakterija ali ne zatvara pore.

It's easy to prepare this powder if you combine in a small bowl – Lako je napraviti ovaj puder ako kombinujete u manjoj posudi:
- 1 part cornstarch – 1 deo kukuruznog skroba
- 1 part green clay  - 1 deo zelene gline
- and a bit of cocoa – i malo kakaa (koliko da dobije boju vaseg lica)
*part depends of quantity you want deo zavisi od kolicine pudera koju zelite da napravite

      Mix carefully; make sure that any crumbs are fully broken – pomesajte pazljivo; budite sigurni da su sve mrvice razbijene

You can use a spice jar as makeup container because it is usually glass jar with perforated lid that you can easily use your powder to pour a little into the coverlid  for your powder brush. – Mozete koristiti teglicu od zacina jer ima perforisan poklopac tako da mozete lako malo sipati u poklopac za vasu cetkicu za puder.

*tip: If you have darker skin, you may want to add more green clay and cocoa, the cornstarch is the white that’s going to be too light for your skin tone – savet: ako imate tamniju kozu mozda cete zeleti da stavite malo vise zelene gline ili kakaa jer je kukuruzni skrob bele boje pa ce mozda izgledati mnogo svetao za vasu kozu – vas ten.
?????  This color is green!!!???  This makeup DOES look greenish. It might even look a little green on your face for 3 minutes. Then it begins to blend. – Ova boja je zelenaaaa!!!??? Puder mozda izgleda zeleno cak i kada ga stavite na lice, ali samo za oko 3 minuta. Posle toga pocinje da bledi.

Homemade Deodorant
Women typically shave their armpits and then minutes later apply chemicals directly on those open pores.
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and it absorbs anything we put on it. We need to be very careful what we allow to be absorbed into our body!
So toss that brand name deodorant! Your skin deserves better!
This homemade deodorant works excellently!
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup arrowroot powder
2/3 cup coconut oil, melted
2 four-ounce containers to put deodorant in it
Mix the baking soda and arrowroot powder with a fork. Pour in the melted coconut oil and stir until there are no clumps and all is incorporated.
Set in refrigerator for about an hour, until it has firmed up. (This prevents separation.)
Leave the container in the bathroom.
To apply:
Take out about 1/2 teaspoon (can use the back of fingernail to “scoop” it), allow it to rest against your skin for a couple seconds (letting it warm) and then rub it into your armpit.
Coconut oil melts at 76 degrees F. If you live in a warm climate, you may need to store the deodorant in the refrigerator, or stir it before each use.
Coconut oil is a wonderful: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
Baking soda is a great deodorizer and combats offensive smells.
Arrowroot makes it more “spreadable”. Avoid cornstarch, because GMO corn is so prevalent.
Napravite sami dezodorans
Zene cest depiliraju – brijaju predeo ispod pazuha i odmah koriste dezodorans na sveze tretirano mesto sa prosirenim porama.
Nasa koza je najveci organ naseg tela i apsorbuje – upija sve sto se stavi na nju. Treba da budemo vrlo pazljivi sta dozvoljavamo da kroz kozu ulazi u nase telo!
Bacimo proizvod nazvan dezodorans! Nasa koza zasluzuje nesto bolje!
Ovaj domaci dezodorans deluje neverovatno!
1/2 solja sode bikarbone
1/2 solja arrowroot praha ili kukuruznog skroba ako nije GMO kukuruz
2/3 solja otopljenog kokosovog ulja
2 kutije oko 120g za odlaganje dezodoransa
Pomesajte viljuskom sodu bikarbonu sa praskom arrowroot ili kukuruznim skrobom. Sipajte u rastopljeno kokosovo ulje i mesajte dokle god ima grudvica i dok se masa ne ujednaci.
Stavite masu u frizider oko sat vremena dok se ne stegne. (Ovo je potrebno da se kasnije ne bi odvajale komponente - ulje)
Bocicu mozete drzati u kupatilu.
Uzmite oko 1/2 kasicice(mozete koristiti nokat umesto kasicice), zadrzite malo da otstoji na kozi da se zagreje pa ga utrljajte pod pazuh.
Kokosovo ulje se topi na 24ºC. Ako je temperatura visoka drzite kutiju sa "dezodoransom" u frizideru ili izmesajte pre svake upotrebe da se masa izjednaci.
Kokosovo ulje je divno : ono je anti - virusno, anti-bakterijsko i anti - gljivično.
Soda bikarbona je odlican osvezivac i upija neprijatne mirise.
Arrowroot cini masu razmazivom, kremastom. Izbegavajte kukuruzni skrob ako niste sigurni da nije GMO.


Hard Water Stain Remover
Otklanjanje kamenca

Ingredients     – sastojci:
white vinegar – alkoholno sirce
lemon juice    – sok od limuna
dish soap        – tecni deterdzent za sudove
spray bottle    – bocica sa pumpicom
Recipe – recept:
Fill up nearly half of a spray bottle with vinegar and add 1/4 cup lemon juice. Then fill up the majority of the remaining space in spray bottle with your dish soap.
Bocicu sa pumpicom napunite do polovine sa alkoholnim sircetom pa dodajte ¼  solje limunovog soka. Ostatak bocice dopunite deterdzentom za sudove.

Try to clean something like this – Pokusajte da ocistite nesto poput ovoga.
Shake up that bottle and soak those stubborn stains. – Promuckajte mesavinu u boci i natopite mrlju od kamenca.
Let it sit for 30 mins…. – Ostavite da deluje oko 30 minuta ...

Now, time to scrub that. – Vreme je za ribanje.

Rinse and dry. – Isperite i osusite oribani deo.
Can you believe that? – Da li mozete da poverujete?
From that  - Od ovoga

... to this - do ovoga
Try!!!!!! - Pokusajte


 Sassy Water For a Flat Stomach 

Follow The Preparation Instructions And You’re Guaranteed To Get The Desired Result
This is the product which with water enriched with herbs that are excellent fat fighters make miracles. Nutritionist Cynthia Sass, whose inventions is this drink, says another than the fact that it melts extra weight it acts great on the whole organism. And preparing it is simple:

  All you need is:
  1 teaspoon ginger root
  1 fresh cucumber (peeled and chopped into thin slices)
  1 fresh lemon (also chopped into thin slices)
     12 mint leaves
And preparing it is simple:
Put these ingredients into 8 glasses of water. The drink is left overnight, during which time each ingredient contributes to the magic of Sassy water. The drink is consumed the next day. It has a pleasant taste and a refreshing effect. Combined with moderate exercise the water will help you come to a flat stomach without having to starve.

-            See more at:
Sassy voda za ravan stomak
Sledite sledeca uputstva za pripremu i rezultati su garantovani
Ovo je preparat koji sa vodom obogacenom bilkama, koje su izvrsni sagorevaci masti, cini cuda. Nutricionista Cynthia Sass, ciji je ovo "pronalazak" kaze da ovaj napitak sagoreva masti u celom organizmu a ne samo na stomaku.
Sve sto vam je potrebno za ovaj napitak – sagorevac mast je:
  1 kasika korena djumbira
  1 svez krastavac (oljusten i isecen na tanke parcice)
  1 svez limu (takodje isecen na tanke parcice)
12 listova nane - mente
I priprema je jednostavna:
Staviti sve sastojke u 8 casa vode. Ostaviti preko noci da svaki sastojak doprinese magiji ovog napitka – Sassy vode. Napitak se pije sledeceg dana. Ukus ovog napitka je veoma prijatan i osvezavajuci. U kombinaciji sa umerenim vezbanjem pomoci ce vam da dodjete do ravnog stomaka bez gladovanja
Peppermint Lip Balm
1/2 cup        coconut oil
   1 ounce    beeswax
3-5 drops    Vitamin E oil
3-5 drops    Peppermint essential oil
 35               lip balm containers

Melt coconut oil and beeswax over med heat (or in microwave) and then add Vitamin E oil and Peppermint oil.
Mix thoroughly and immediately pour into containers. Allow to cool for about 20 minutes and it’s ready to use!
This recipe makes approximately 32 lip balms in a 0.15 ounce containers.
Pepermint balzam za usne

   ½ cup     cocosovog ulja
28.5 g        voska
3-5 kapi    Vitamin E ulja  (or squeeze out 1-2 capsules)
3-5 kapi    Pepermint etarskog ulja 
 35             "bocice" za balzam 

Rastopite kokosovo ulje i vosak na srednjoj te,peraturi ili u mikrotalasnoj pa dodajte vitamin E ulje i pepermint ulje.
Dobro izmesajte masu i odmah sipajte u "bocice" za melem. Ostavite da se ohladi oko 20 minuta. Balzam za usne je spreman za upotrebu!
Ova kolicina je dovoljna da se napuni 32 "bocice" od 4,5 g.
For your joints
How to keep joints in good condition and in the same time eliminate many of the problems associated with them? Eliminate the pain.!!!!!!!!

Here is one recipe for that:
Buy 150g any edible gelatin (it's enough for cure for one month).
In the evening put 5 g gelatin (2 flat teaspoon) in 1/4 glass cold water from fridge.
Mix it and leave to stay until morning.
Gelatin will be swelling and became a jelly.
In the morning drink this mixture on an empty stomach. You can add juice, water with honey or mix it with yogurt. Alternatively, in any way that suits you – as you like.
Cures are for one month and then repeat it after 6 month. This is a way to repair "greasing" in your joints.
Why is gelatin so useful for your joints?
Gelatin is product of animal origin, obtained from connective tissue of large cattle (tendon, bone, cartilage). It is collagen in its purest form. In itself have two amino acids: proline, and hydroxyproline, which have a positive effect on the recovery of connective tissue. Gelatin is able to increase the growth and volume of tissue, which is very important to diseased joints.
Gelatin is useful for:
-            strengthens the joints and the heart muscle
-            improves metabolism
-            increases mental ability
-            maintains healthy condition of skin
-            gives elasticity and strength to tendons and ligaments
-            prevent the development of osteoporosis and arthritis
-            leads to improved growth and structure of hair and nails
-            is irreplaceable in dysplasia
Za vase zglobove
Kako odrzati zglobove u dobrom stanju i istovremeno otkloniti mnoge probleme vezane za njih? Otklonite bol.!!!!!!!
Evo jednog efektnog recepta za to:
Kupite 150g bilo kog jestivog zelatina (to je dovoljno za kuru lecanja od mesec dana).
Uvece stavite 5 g zelatina (2 ravne kasicice) u 1/4 case hladne vode iz frizidera.
Promesajte i ostavite do ujutru.
Zelatin ce nabubreti i pretvoriti se u zele.
Ujutru popijte ovu smesu na prazan stomak. Mozete dodati sok, vodu sa medom ili pomesati smesu – zele sa jogurtom ili kiselim mlekom. Ili mozete naci nacin i dodatak koji vama odgovara.
Kura lecenja je mesec dana, a onda se ponavlja tek za 6 meseci. Ovo je nacin da se obnovi "podmazivanje" zglobova.
Zasto je zelatin koristan za vase zglobove?
Zelatin je proizvod zivotinjskog porekla dobijen preradom vezivnog tkiva krupne rogate stoke (tetiva, kostiju, hrskavice). To je u stvari to je kolagen u najcistijem obliku. U sebi poseduje dve aminokiseline: prolin i hidroksiprolin koji imaju pozitivan uticaj na oporavak vezivnog tkiva. Zelatin je u stanju da poveca rast i obim tkiva, sto je veoma vazno kod bolesnih zglobova.
Zelatin je koristan za:
-          jaca zglobove i srcani misic
-          poboljsava metabolizam
-          povecava mentalnu sposobnost
-          odrzava zdravo stanje koze
-          daje elasticnost i snagu tetivama i ligamentima
-          sprecava razvoj osteoporoze i artritisa
-          dovodi do poboljsanja rasta i strukture kose i noktiju
nezamenljiv je kod displazije

Cure for throat
Put in jar together slice of lemon and ginger and pour the honey to the top. Close and leave to make a jelly.
Use one tablespoon, put in a cup and pour with hot water. You have a nice tea which can be a cure for sore throat.
Lek za bolno grlo
Naredjati kriske limuna i kriske djumbira u teglu. Naliti med do vrha i ostaviti da se napravi zele.
Uzieti supenu kasiku zelea i staviti u vrucu vodu. Dobice se lep caj koji je dobar lek za bolno grlo.


2 in 1 homemade shampoo and packaging for hair
2                       egg yolks
1 small glass     rum
Stir egg yolks with rum to a compact mass. Use as a shampoo or half of that mass rub in wet hair like shampoo and wash off. Than put the rest of mass on hair, rub and leave about 15 minutes like a packaging. Wash off. This is shampoo and do not use shampoo after that. Dry your hair as usual. You'll see - your hair will be like silk.
2 u 1 sampon i pakovanje za kosu
2               zumanca
1 casica     rum
Umutiti zumanca i rum u kompaktnu masu. Koristiti kao sampon ili utrljati polovinu mase na mokru kosu kao sampon pa isprati. Drugu polovinu utrljati na kosu i ostaviti oko 15 minuta kao pakovanje za kosu pa isprati. Ovo je sampon za kosu tako da ne treba koristiti sampon posle ovog pakovanja. Kosu osusiti na uobicajen nacin. Videcete – kosa ce vam biti kao svila.

Miracle balm

1 boiled egg ( only the yolk a little squeeze on the saucer )
400 ml vegetable oil (I have used St. John's Wort, which I made ​​myself)
a piece of beeswax - about 60 g (about the size of a two matchboxes)

 Cook the egg. We will take only the yolk. Put it on saucer and little squeeze it.
Pour the oil in enamel saucepan and add wax. Put on a low heat and wait until the wax melts.

 When you heard a "crackling", take the yolk and drop in oil with wax, bit by bit. The oil will begin to foam, so be prepared quickly to remove the saucepan from heat.

When the oil is "calm", put it back again on the stove. Continue to throw the yolk to the end, constantly stirring wooden spoon. Mixture will change color and became dark brown.

Remove from the stove and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Filter through the cheesecloth or fine sieve strainer. The rest, crumbs of yolks, throw.

When the fat - balm has cooled, put it in a glass jar and close the lid. Fat is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months.

Balm is very effective. If the balm is used for lining, it is necessary to heat it on the steam (at about 40 degrees)
This miracle balm treats:
1.      Sinusitis: Melt the balm in a tablespoon and immediately pour into the pipette. To not the balm be squeezed, do this quickly. Pour in your nose twice a day with an interval of one hour. Doctors claim that you can rid of the monthly sinusitis. Balm "breaks through" the sinuses and draws to himself all the pus with great violence.
2.      Suppurative otitis: A bent piece of cotton wool dipped in balm put this in your ear. Replace as needed, lubricate with balm behind the ear. Balm pulls out all the pus. So treat all otitis, not only purulent.
3.      Purulent tonsillitis, abscesses in the throat, tonsillitis: Put the balm in the throat and lining on the neck. If you do it in evening, repeating the procedure 2-3 times, in the morning abscess burst.
4.      Bronchitis, pain in the stomach, intestines, ulcers on the body, the eyes stye: Three times a day before meals, take half a teaspoon of balm.
5.      Gynecology: fibromioma to 10 weeks, ovarian cysts, inflammation, mastitis. Put the sodden tampon with this balm into the vagina in the morning and evening. There are claims that after ten days, the cysts will be only memories. For fibromiome, it will be take longer. Mastitis, on the breast put the paper towel, dipped in balm, and from above - plastic bags. If possible, change every 2 hours.
6.      Burns, ulcers, sores, swelling, toothache, pain in the joints heals the balm. Apply on the affected area and wraps, overnight. You can only use a bent piece of cotton, dipped in balm, if wounds are not great. You will be surprised at the result! If you have a toothache – take the balm with a clean finger and daub the aching tooth and gum, pain will disappear.
7.      Atrophic ulcers, gangrene: put paper towels soaked with balm, and changed every 2 hours. Profusely from the wound will ooze pus. You will convince yourself that it will progress this saving treatment, in spite of all kinds of expensive drugs.
8.      Everything that daub - do it over the night. Diseased joints, knees - lining and wrap.
9.      Balm is good for strengthening nails - rubbing the nails in the evening.

All diseases will begin to recede, thanks to this balm, miracle balm.

Note: must be a natural wax, beeswax. For external use, you can use any vegetable oil. For internal use - better olive.
Cudo — melem

          1 jaje
 400 ml biljnog ulja (ja sam koristila kantarionovo, koje sam sama napravila) 
komadic pcelinjeg voska — okoo 60 gr (otprilike velicine kao dve kutije sibica) 


Skuva se jaje. Bice potrebno samo zumance. Njega treba staviti na tacnicu i malo izgnjeciti 
 - u emajliranu serpicu nasuti ulje 
- komadic voska spustiti u ulje
- staviti na laganu vatru i cekati dok se vosak istopi
- cim se bude culo «pucketanje» , uzeti zumance i prstima bacati u ulje sa voskom, mrvicu po mrvicu
- ulje ce poceti da se peni, pa budite spremni da brzo uklonite serpicu sa vatre 
- kada se ulje «smiri», ponovo ga vratiti na sporet

- nastavite bacati zumance do kraja, stalno mesajuci kasikom
- smesa ce promeniti boju i postati tamno braon
- skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti na 15-20 minuta
- procediti kroz gazu ili cediljku sa sitnim sitom.
- ostatke (mrvice zumanceta) baciti
Kada se mast ohladi, staviti je u staklenu teglu i zatvoriti poklopcem. Mast se cuva u frizideru do 10 meseci.
Mast je veoma efikasna. Ako se mast koristi za obloge, potrebno je ugrejati na vodenoj pari (na otprilike 40 stepeni)

Ovaj cudo — melem leci:
1.      Upalu sinusa. Istopite mast u kasiki i odmah naspite u pipetu. Da se ne bi mast stegla, radite ovo brzo. Nakapati u nos dva puta dnevno sa intervalom od jednog sata. Lekari tvrde da se mozete otarasiti i mesecnog sinusitisa. Mast «probija» sinuse i povlaci na sebe sav gnoj sa velikom jacinom.
2.      Gnojni otitis. Savijeni komadic vate, umocen u ovu mast staviti u uvo. Po potrebi menjati, uz to mazati mast iza uha. Mast izvlaci sav gnoj. Tako se lece svi otitisi, ne samo gnojni.
3.      Gnojna angina, apcesi u grlu, upala krajnika. Staviti mast u grlo i obloge na vrat. Ako se radi navece, ponavljajuci proceduru 2-3 puta, ujutru ce apces puci.
4.      Bronhitis, bol u zelucu, crevima, cirevi na telu, cmicak na ocima. Tri puta na dan pre obroka, uzimati po pola kasicice masti.
5.      Zenske bolesti: fibromioma do 10 nedelja, ciste na jajnicima, upale, mastitis. U vaginu se stavljaju tamponi sa ovom masti ujutru i uvece. Postoje tvrdnje da posle desetak dana, od ciste ce ostati samo uspomene. Za fibromiome treba duze vremena. Kod mastitisa, na grudi se stavlja papirna salveta, umocena u mast, preko — najlon kesa. Po mogucnosti, menjati na svaka 2 sata.
6.     Opekotine, cirevi, rane, otoci, zubobolja, bol u zglobovima leci ova mast. Nanosi se na obolelo mesto preko noci i umotava se. Mozete samo komadicem vate, natopljenim u mast, ako rane nisu velike. Iznenadicete se rezultatom! Ako boli zub — mast se uzima cistim prstom i maze se bolni zub i desni, bol ce nestati.
7.      Troficki cirevi, gangrena: stavljati papirne salvete natopljene mascu i menjati na svaka 2 sata. Iz rana ce obilato curiti gnoj. Uvericete se i sami kako ce napredovati ovo spasonosno lecenje, uprkos svim vrstima skupih lekova.
8.      Sve sto se maze — radi se na noc. Obloge na bolesne zglobove, kolena — umotavati.
9.      Mast je dobra za ojacavanje noktiju — utrljati u nokte uvece.

Sve bolesti pocece da se povlace, zahvaljujuci ovoj masti, cudo — melem.

Napomena: vosak mora biti naturalni, pcelinji. Za spoljnu upotrebu moze se koristiti bilo koje biljno ulje. Za unutrasnju — bolje je maslinovo. 


 Nervous legs - Nervozne noge

You have pain in your legs, you can not find any position for them, try this for the so-called "nervous – restless legs":
   1 l   brandy
20     Andols
10g   mint powder
plenty of rosemary
Put all ingredients in bottle and shake it. Let it for a month but shake it everyday. Use as you need to smear painful places. (It's not necessary to filter.)
Imate bolove u nogama, ne znate kako da ih namestite, probajte ovo za takozvane “nemirne-nervozne noge”:
1 l     komovice
20    andola
10g  mentola u prahu
dosta ruzmarina
Sve sastojke stavite u vecu flasu i promuckajte. Ostavite da odstoji mesec dana uz svakodnevno muckanje. Koristiti po potrebi mazuci bolna mesta ovom tecnoscu. (Nije potrebno procediti)

Cough (syrup) - Sirup protiv kaslja

You cough? Try this syrup
250g            sugar
600ml          water
     3              bay leaves
     4 sachet   chamomile tea
         pinch   of sage
Burn sugar to caramel and add the water and all other ingredients. Cook on low temperature to syrup density (to reduce mass on half). Drink like any syrup 2-3 times spoon daily.
Kasljete? Probajte ovaj sirup
250g          secera
600ml        vode
    3             lista lovora
    4             filter vrecice caja od kamilice
prstohvat    zalfije
Izgori secer u caramel pa dodaj vodu i sve ostale sastojke. Kuvati na tihoj vatri do gustine sirupa, odnosno ukuvati na pola. Piti kao i svaki sirup 2-3 puta dnevno po kasiku.
One recipe to control your diabetes on nature way:
100g   almond
100g   sesame
100g   linseed
100g   sunflower seeds

100g   pumpkin seeds
100g   coconut
  50g   cinnamon
   Grind all ingredients and 1 tablespoon of mix put into a cup of yogurt or milk and eat every morning.

Coca Cola and our body - Coca Cola i nase telo

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink a Can of Coke?

Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? Because it gets you high.

They removed the cocaine almost 100 years ago. Why? Because it was redundant.

So What Happens to Your Body When You Drink a Can of Coke?

In the first 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavour, allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (And there’s plenty of that at this particular moment.)

40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate; your blood pressure rises; as a response, your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked, preventing drowsiness.

45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production, stimulating the pleasure centres of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

> 60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

> 60 minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium, and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolytes, and water.

> 60 minutes: As the rave inside you dies down, you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like hydrating your system, or building strong bones and teeth. This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.)

Da li ste se zapitali zašto koka-kolu (pepsi-kolu ili neki drugu kolu) popijemo s osmehom? To je zato što se njom zapravo drogiramo, iako su kokain iz koka-kole izbacili još pre sto godina. Zašto su izbacili kokain iz kole? Zato što je bio sasvim suvišan.

10 minuta nakon što smo popili kolu: 10 kafenih kašičica šećera dospeva u naš organizam. Mi ipak zbog tolikog šećera nećamo odmah da povratimo jer fosforna kiselina u koli ublažava sladak ukus.

20 minuta nakon što smo popili kolu: Količina šećera u krvi naglo skače, uzrokujući insulinsku eksploziju. Naša jetra tada odgovara tako što sve šećere koje nađe u krvi pretvara u masnoće. (U tom trenutku jetra ima mnogo toga da pretvori u masnoće.)

40 minuta nakon što smo popili kolu: Kofein iz kole je u potpunosti apsorbovan. Šire nam se zenice; raste nam krvni pritisak; kao reakcija na sve to, naša jetra pumpa još više šećera u naš krvotok. Receptori adenozina u mozgu su sada blokirani, što sprečava osećaj vrtoglavice.

45 minuta nakon što smo popili kolu: Naše telo povećava proizvodnju dopamina, stimulišući centre za osećaj prijatnosti u mozgu. Ovo je, važno je pomenuti, isti način na koji na nas deluje i heroin.

1 sat nakon što smo popili kolu: Fosforna kiselina reaguje s kalcijumom, magnezijumom i cinkom u debelom crevu, osiguravajući dodatnu eksploziju u našem metabolizmu. Ovo se dodatno komplikuje velikim dozama šećera i veštačkih zaslađivača koji dodatno povećavaju izlučivanje kalcijuma putem mokraće.

Više od 1 sat nakon što smo popili kolu: Diuretička svojstva kofeina počinju da utiču na naše telo. (Imamo potrebu da mokrimo.) Tada sav kalcijum, magnezijum i cink koji su bili namenjeni našim kostima i telu, kao i elektroliti natrijuma i voda izlaze iz

Blizu 2 sata nakon što smo popili kolu: Kako se haos u našem telu stišava, počinjemo da osećamo nedostatak šećera. Možemo da postanemo lako razdražljivi i usporeni. Do sada smo već izmokrili svu vodu iz kole. Ali ta voda se prethodno sjedinila s najvažnijim hranjivim materijama iz našeg tela važnih za izgradnju naših kostiju, zuba, mišića i nerava, taksmo i te materije izbacilii.

Nekoliko sati nakon što smo popili kolu: Zbog stvorene navike, organizam oseća nedostatak kofeina, i javlja se želja za još jednom dozom kole.


 Egg white can help you - Belance vam moze pomoci

Remember this!
Membrane from RAW EGGS separated from the rind (slowly that it not bursts) and place it on the callus.
 Firefighters are learning this during training: when it comes to burns, whatever their size is:
First aid consists in the fact that the damaged area put under running cold water until the temperature decreases and stops burn layers skin, and then coated with egg white.
One person was burned most of the hands with hot water. Despite the pain, she put hand in cold water and then took two egg whites, a little whipped them and then put on his hand.
The hand was so burned that when he coated the egg white, the skin dry and the egg is made ​​a kind of membrane. This person knew that egg whites are natural collagen and continued for at least an hour coated hand with egg white. In the afternoon, no longer felt the pain and the next day left just redness at the site of burns. She was afraid that she will remain an ugly scar, but to her surprise, ten days later, was no longer any trace of burns and even skin regained its original color.

   Ovu metodu uče vatrogasci tijekom obuke: kad dođe do opekotina, kolika
god da je njihova površina:

    Prva pomoć se sastoji u tome da se oštećena zona stavi pod mlaz
hladne vode sve dok se temperatura ne smanji i prestanu gorjeti slojevi
kože, a zatim se opekotina premaže bjelanjkom.
Jedna osoba je opekla veći dio ruke vrelom vodom. Usprkos bolu, stavila  je
ruku pod mlaz hladne vode a zatim uzela dva bjelanjka, malo ih umutila i u
njih zaronila ruku.
Ruka je bila toliko izgorjela da kad ju je premazala bjelanjkom, koža se
osušila a od bjelanjka se napravila neka vrsta opne. Ta osoba je znala da je
bjelanjak prirodni kolagen i nastavila je  najmanje sat vremena premazivati
ruku bjelanjkom. Poslije podne više nije osjećala bol a sutradan je ostalo
samo crvenilo na mjestu opekotine.
Bojala se da će joj ostati ružan ožiljak, ali na njeno veliko iznenađenje,
desetak dana kasnije, nije više bilo ni traga opekotine, čak je koža
povratila svoju prvobitnu boju.


 Natural Pain Killers...

Ginger: recommended dose 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger added to meals daily.
Garlic: to cure an ear infection place two drops of warm garlic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days. To make garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then refrigerate for up to two weeks.
Cloves: dab a little clove oil sprinkled on a cotton swab on the aching tooth.
Peppermint: soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil three times a week.
Grapes: an Ohio University research study shows that 1 cup of grapes eaten daily can bring relief from backache. That’s because grapes contain nutrients that increase blood circulation to the lower back, which in turn alleviates pain.
Pineapple: the bromelain in pineapple is known to ease bloated tummy and heaviness. It also improves circulation, stopping cramps and inhibiting inflammation. It may help rid the body of inflammatory compounds that contribute to arthritis.
Tomato juice: sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily to speed up your recovery, reduce risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days.
Cherries: anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red colour, are anti-inflammatories 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin.
Prirodno protiv bolova
Djumbir: preporucena dnevna doza - 1 kasicica suvog (u prahu) ili 2 kasicice sveze narendanog dodati u jelo
Beli luk: za infekciju uha staviti 2 kapi zagrejanog ulja od belog luka u obolelo uho dva puta dnevno – 5 dana. Ulje od belog luka napraviti tako sto se 3 cena zdrobljenog belog luka kuva na laganoj vatri sa pola solje extra virgin maslinovog ulja 2 minuta, zatim procediti i drzati u frizideru do 2 nedelje.
Karanfilic: kap ulja od karanfilica staviti na parce vate i drzati malo na bolnom zubu.
Nana: opustite se u punoj kadi topple vode zamirisane sa 10 kapi ulja od nane tri puta nedeljno.
Grozdje: istrazivanja na Univerzitetu Ohio su pokazala da konzumiranje 1 solje grozdja dnevno smanjuje bolove u ledjima. To je zato sto grozdje sadrzi hranljive materije koje poboljsavaju cirkulaciju u donjem delu ledja sto dovodi do smanjenja bola.
Ananas: bromelain u ananasu je poznat po tome da smanjuje nadutost stomaka i tezinu u stomaku. Takodje poboljsava cirkulaciju, zaustavlja grceve i inhibitorne upale. Moze da pomogne pri oslobadjanju inflamatornih supstanci koje dovode do artritisa.
Sok od paradajza: piti 10 unci - 28.3495grama soka od paradajza za brzi oporavak. Takodje smanjuje rizik od bolnih grceva za manje od 10 dana.
Tresnje i visnje: antocijanin, supstanca koja daje tresnjama i visnjama briljantnu crvenu boju, su antiinflamatorne supstance 10 puta jace od ibuprofena i aspirina.

  Bananas - Banane

'' BANANAS...'' A very interesting FACTS

Never, put your banana in the refrigerator!!!...
This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'

PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time! I will add one here; want a quick shine on our shoes?? Take the INSIDE of the banana skin, and rub directly on the shoe...polish with dry cloth. Amazing fruit !!!
'' BANANA...'' Vrlo interesantno o bananama

Nikad ne stavljajte banana u frizider!!!
Ovo je vrlo interesantno. Posle citanja ovog teksta nikad vise necete banana gledati na isti nacin.

Banana sadrzi tri prirodna secera – saharozu, fruktozu i glukozu kombinovana sa vlaknima. Banana daje trenutan, odrziv i znacajan potsticaj energije.
Iistrazivanja su pokazala da samo dve banane daju dovoljno energije za 90 minuta teskog rada. Nije cudo da je banana voce No. 1 po misljenju vodecih svetskih atleticara.
Ali, nije energija jedini nacin na koji nam banana moze pomoci da ostanemo u dobroj formi. Ona nam takodje moze pomoci u prevladavanju i sprecavanju znatnog broja bolesti i stanja, navodeci nas da moramo da je uvrstimo u svakodnevnu ishranu.

Prema nedavnim istrazivanjima preduzetim od MIND vecina ljudi koji pate od depresije se osecala mnogo bolje nakon sto su pojeli bananu. To je zato sto banana sadrzi tryptophan, vrstu belancevine koju telo pretvara u serotonin, poznatim po tome sto nas cini opustenijim,popravlja nase raspolozenje i uopste cini da se osecamo srecnijim.
Zaboravite tablete – pojedite bananu. Vitamin B6 koji ona sadrzi regulise nivo glukoze u krvi, sto moze uticati na vase raspolozenje.

Bogata gvozdjem, banana moze da potstakne proizvodnju hemoglobina u krvi i tako pomaze u nekim slucajevima anemije.

Ovo jedinstveno tropsko voce je izuzetno bogato kalijumom a uz to ima malo soli,cineci ga savrsenim u borbi sa krvnim pritisakom tako da je US Agencija za hranu i lekove  dozvolila da industrija bananama napravi zvanicne zahteve za sposobnost ovog voca da smanji rizik od nepravilnog ktvnog pritiska i mozdanog
200 ucenika u Twickenham (Middlesex) skoli ( u Engleskoj ) je kao pomoc za vreme ispita jelo bananu za dorucak, pauzu i za rucak pokusavajuci da poboljsaju sposobnost mozga. Istrazivanje je pokazalo da voce bogato kalijumom moze da pomogne pri ucenju tako sto poboljsavaju paznju ucenioka.

Banana je bogata vlaknima i ukljucujuci je u ishranu moze pomoci da se vrati normalna funkcija creva, pomazuci da se problem resi bez uzimanja laksativa.
Jedan od najbrzih nacina prevladavanja mamurluka je milkshake od banana, zasladjen medom. Banana umiruje zeludac i uz pomoc meda smanjuje nivo secera u krvi dok mleko rehidrira telo.

Banana stvara prirodan ucinak protiv kiselina u telu, tako da ako patite od gorusice probajte da pojedete banana kako bi osetili olaksanje.

uzimanje banana izmedju obroka pomaze u odrzavanju nivoa secera u krvi a time se izbegavaju jutarnje mucnine.

Pre nego sto podjete da uzmete kremu protiv ujeda insekata (komaraca), probajte zahvacenu povrsinu da istrljate sa unutrasjnim delom kore banane. Mnogi su otkrili da je ovaj metod neverovatno uspesan u smanjivanju otoka i iritacije.

Banane su bogate vitaminom B koji pomaze u smirivanju nervnnog sistema.

Gojaznost i posao? Studie sprovedene na Institute of Psychology u Austriji pokazale su da pritisak na poslu vodi tome da se tesimo prozdiranjem hrane kao sto su cokolade i chips. Posmatrajuci 5,000 bolnickih pacijenata, istrazivaci su otkrili da ce najgojaznija osoba najverovatnije biti raditi na najstresnijem poslu U izvestaju se zakljucuje da, da se izbegne panika – izazvana zelja za hranom, potrebno je da kontrolisemo nivo secera u krvi grickajuci hranu bogatu ugljenim hidratima svaka dva sata da odrzimo stabilan nivo.

Banana se koristi kao dijetalna hrana kod poremecaja rada creva zbog svog mekog sastava i glatkoce. To je jedino sirovo voce koje moze da se jede bez posledica kod hronicnih slucajeva. Ona takodje neutralize preteranu kiselinu i smanjuje nadrazljivost oblazuci sluzokozu zeluca.

Mnoge culture mogu da vide banana kao “hladno” voce koje moze da smanji kako fizicku tako i emocionalnu temparaturu trudnica. Na Thailandu, na primer, trudnica jede banana kako bi osigurale da se njihova beba rodi sa nizom temperaturom.

Dakle, banana je zaista prirodni lek za mnoge bolesti. Kad se uporedi sa jabukom, ona ima CETIRI PUTA vise belancevina, DVA PUTA vise ugljenih hidrata, TRI PUTA vise fosfora, PET PUTA vise vitamina A i gvozdja, i duplo vise ostalih vitamina i minerala.. Ona je takodje bogata kalijumim i jedna je od najvrednijih namirnica uopste. Dakle, mozda je vreme da promenimo dobro poznatu izreku id a kazemo “JEDNA BANANA dnevno drzi doktora daleko od kuce” ili “JEDNA BANANA na dan, lekar nije potreban”

PS: Mora da je banana razlog sto su majmuni stalno – svo vreme sretni! Dodacu jednu ovde; zelite da cipele brzo zasijaju? Uzmite koru od banana i UNUTRASNJOM stranom direktno trljajte obucu...izglacajte suvom krpom. Neverovatno voce !!!

 Strawberries Are Healthy For You. How?

Why Strawberries Are Healthy For You

The strawberry is among one of my favorite fruits of all time not just because they taste so wonderful but these delicious red treats are exceptionally healthy for us all.
By now, most people have come to learn much more about the benefits of taking advantage of antioxidants and foods that are chockfull of beneficial nutrients..  Know one wants to deal with inflammatory diseases, heart attacks and cancer and while the strawberry is not a bonafide cure for these serious health problems, eating fresh and cleanly washed strawberries weekly is a darn good idea and can provide you with an expansive list of healthy benefits.
So with all of the studies performed over the years, what have we learned about this little red fruit.  Let us explore:
  • Freeze dried strawberries and extracts from strawberries can potentially help you with beating the odds and risk of a variety of cancers from cervical, breast, and esophageal cancers and birth defecgs.  Its the antioxidants found in this fruit and other embedded nutrients that are the main players, not to mention a nice potent dose of vitamin C  and beneficial acids.
  •  The USDA has gone out of their way to put a stamp of approval on strawberries as these little red delights score the highest on their ORAC scale.  So get on the bandwagon and ride it to prosperous health.
  • When you peel back more of the research about strawberries you discover they have been attributed with contributing to lower death rates due to cardiovascular diseases and while one may need to look at the reason from a holistic perspective, one of the key contributing factors is that high strawberry consumption results in a robust intake of folate, potassium, and high fiber.  Folates are important and lower amounts of folates have been show to correlate with a higher incidence of coronary disease.  So more strawberries eaten translates to higher folate levels and higher potassium levels and invariably lower blood pressure and cholesterol and the reduction of inflammation throughout your body.
  So how many strawberries do you need to consume?  Everyday and in many forms whether it be fresh, mixed in with your smoothie, or on your cereal. Research suggests that just 8 strawberries a day will provide a plethora of health benefits.  These little delights are available year around and if you have not made it a habit of consuming strawberries in some form, then you need to start thinking about how you can make strawberries a bigger part of your daily life!

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