500g phyllo pastry sheets / sheets
phyllo dough
500g cherries but can other fruits
cup sour cream
1 cup
1 cup
3 eggs
10 g
baking powder
For syrup:
2 cups sugar
2 dl water
1 lemon (juice)
Whisk eggs, sugar,
sour cream and baking powder, on the end add oil, and stir to get a compact
mass. Divide a phyllo pastry on 2 pieces. First ½ of phyllo pastry arrange on
this way: lay 2 sheets of phyllo pastry into the tray and daub with cream, lay
another 1 sheet and each sheet daub with cream before adding the next. When you
spend all sheets of first ½ of phyllo pastry sheets arrange all fruit on it and
continue to lay sheets and daub each. When you expend all sheets cut baklava
into small diamond-shaped pieces or triangles using a sharp knife. Good warm
butter or oil pours after each cut so that sizzles. Put baklava in the
preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes, then decrease the oven temperature
to 150C/300F and bake for an additional half hour to 40 minutes, or until the
pastry is slightly puffed and golden on top. Remove baklava when it is golden
on top. Pour the hot syrup into the slits in the hot baklava and leave to cool.
For the syrup: heat
the sugar, water, lemon juice in saucepan and cook over a medium heat until the
sugar has melted and syrup is forming. Pour baklava with syrup.
500g tankih kora za baklavu
500g visanja ili drugog voca
1 solja pavlake
1 solja
1 solja
3 jajeta
10 g
praska za pecivo
Za sirup:
2 solje secera
2 dl vode
1 limun (sok)
Umutiti jaja, secer,
pavlaku i prasak za pecivo, na kraju dodati ulje i mesati dok se ne dobije
kompaktna masa. Podeliti korre na dva jednaka dela. Prvi deo redjati na sledeci
nacin: postaviti 2 kore u pleh, premazati umucenim kremom, a zatim poloziti
sledecu koru (redjati jednu po jednu koru i svaku premazivati kremom). Kad se
potrose sve kore iz prve polovine poredjati sve voce pa nastaviti sa redjanjem
kora i premazivanjem svake. Premazati i poslednju koru pa iseci baklavu na male
parcice u obliku dijamanta ili trougla i po svakom rezu politi malo vrelog
maslaca ili ulja da zacvrci. Staviti baklavu u dobro zagrejanu rernu oko 20
minuta pa smanjiti temperaturu na 150C/300F i peci jos pola sata do 40 minuta,
ili dok baklava malo ne naraste i dobije lepu zlatnozutu boju na vrhu. Izvaditi
baklavu iz rerne i preliti vrucim sirupom i ostaviti da upije i ohladi se.
Za sirup staviti secer, vodu i sok od limuna (a moze i
sok od visanja koji se ocedio) u serpu i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi dok se
secer ne otopi i napravi se sirup. Preliti baklavu toplim sirupom.
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