
Rolls of dried figs - Rolat od suvih smokava

Rolls of dried figs

250 g    sugar
250 g    dried figs
300 g    raisins
300 g    chopped walnuts
100 g    ground walnuts
1       lemon

Melt sugar with some water in low heat. In that mass put lemon cut into circles. When the sugar is so thick that the spoon drop two drops remove from the stove, take out the slices of lemon and add into the mass finely chopped dried figs, raisins and chopped walnuts. Grind 100 g walnuts and ½ of that add to mass. Mix it well and roll the mass. Sprinkle roll with other ½ of grinded walnuts.
Rolat od suvih smokava

250 g    secera
250 g    suvih smokava
300 g    suvog grozdja
300 g    seckanih oraha
100 g    mlevenih oraha
1       limun

Uspinovati secer sa malo vode na tihoj vatri. Iseci limu na krugove i dodati seceru. Kad se sirup zgusne tako da sa kasike kaplju dve kapi skloniti sa vatre i izvaditi limun. U sirup dodati sitno iseckane suve smokve, suvo grozdje i seckane orahe. Samleti 100 g oraha i polovinu mase (50 g) dodati u ovu masu i dobro izmesati – izmesiti da se dobije kompaktna masa. Od mase formirati rolat i posuti ga sa preostalim mlevenim orasima.

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