Fruits in rum
This is a very interesting drink. Although the type of liqueur it love to
drink as well as women and men too. It would be served with fruit that is
"drunker" than the drinks, unless someone prefers when it filtered.
It prepares with all fruit you want and like. Spring is the best time to beginning
and it is very simple to prepare it but you must be very patient because you
can drink it about New Year (and you will see why). Now here is the recipe and
it is simple too.
For this drink, you
200 g fruits
200 g sugar
200 g rum
You need large glass jar (5 l – 1.5 gallon or bigger) or clay pot with lid.
It is the best time to beginning in spring with first fruit that ripen. Put the
fruit into the jar, sprinkle with sugar and pour the rum over that. It is
important to put the same quantity of all ingredients. Leave it to the next
fruit and repeat the procedure. You can put there all the fruits that you like
to eat, layer by layer until the autumn when the last fruit ripen. Leave the
jar or pot at
least one - one and a half month to dissolve
the sugar,
which is left with the last fruit. Serve it with fruit in large glasses. You can decorate
with sprig of mint or serve in glass lined with sugar and necessarily with
spoon for fruits.
This "drunken" fruits without liqueur
you can use to prepare some cookies, or if you like, you can serve with whipped
cream or ice cream.
Voce u rumu
Ovo je vrlo interesantno pice. Iako je vrsta likera vole da ga piju i
muskarci isto kao i zene. Treba ga sluziti u velikim casama zajedno sa
"pijanim" vocem koje je pijanije od samog pica sem ako neko vise voli
procedjeno. Priprema se sa svim vocem koje zelite i volite. Prolece je najbolje
doba kad treba poceti sa spremanjem i vrlo prosto i lako se sprema ali treba
biti vrlo strpljiv jer se moze piti tek oko Nove Godine (a videcete i zasto). A
evo i recepta koji je takodje vrlo jednostavan.
Za ovo pice vam je
200 g voca
200 g secera
200 g ruma
Potrebna vam je velika staklena tegla (5 l – 1.5 gallon ili veca) ili
glineni cup sa poklopcem. Najbolje vreme za pocetak pripreme je prolece kad
sazri prvo voce. Staviti voce u teglu, posuti ga secerom i preliti rumom. Vazno
je da se stavi ista kolicina svih sastojaka. Ostaviti do sledeceg voca pa
ponoviti postupak. Mozete staviti svo voce koje volite da jedete, sloj po sloj
do jeseni kad poslednje voce sazreva. Ostaviti teglu ili cup oko mesec – mesec i
po da se secer koji je stavljen sa poslednjim vocem lepo rastopi. Sluziti zajedno sa vocem u velikim casama.
Mozete dekorisati grancicom nane ili posluziti u casi umocenoj u secer ali
obavezno sa kasicicom za voce.
Ovo 'pijano" voce bez likera moze se koristiti za pripremu nekih
kolaca sa vocem ili ako volite moze se zasebno posluziti sa slagom ili
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