Ham cones with peanut and Ham rolls with almond
days are coming. It's a time when we
spend more time in our warm homes with family. Let us make that
time more than beautiful. Here are two recipes with ham and a little unusual addition
in salty recipes.
Ham cones with peanuts
15 ham slice
150 g roasted and chopped salty
200 g unsalted cheese
100 g chopped onion
200 g cream
2 tablespoon mustard
2 chopped boiled eggs
3 leaf
green salad for decorations
Wash leaves of green salad and squeeze
through salty vinegar. Put it on plate where you will arrange your cones over
it. Mix all ingredients in a compact mass and spread every slice of ham with
this mass. Wrapped filled ham like cones and arrange on green salad. If your
cones are not full then fulfill them with cooked syringe with the mass.
Ham rolls with almond
large ham slices
1 tablespoon mustard
150 g peeled, fried and chopped almond
tablespoon mayonnaise
6 large slice of jerky
200 g full-fat cheese
as taste chopped and drained different pickled
vegetable (to give a colorful and piquant taste)
Chop and drain from vinegar
pickled vegetable. Mix mustard and mayonnaise and spread with this mass every
slice of ham. Cut cheese and jerky on sticks. Put sticks of jerky and cheese
and chopped pickled vegetable on spread ham and roll it. Arrange on plate and
serve. Bon appetite!
It's easy but tasty. Isn't it?
Fiseci od sunke sa kikirikijem i Rolnice od sunke sa
hladni dani. Tada vise vremena provodimo u nasim toplim domovima sa porodicom.
Hajde da to vreme ucinimo vise nego lepim. Evo predlog za dva recepta sa sunkom
i malo neobicnim dodatcima za slana jela – predjela.
Fiseci sa sunkom i kikirikijem
15 listova sunke
150 g pecenog i iseckanog slanog
200 g neslanog sira
100 g seckanog crnog luka
200 g milerama
2 kasike senfa
2 kom seckanih barenih jaja
3 lista
zelene salate za
Operite listove zelene salate i
provucite ih kroz posoljeno sirce. Stavite listove na tanjir gde cete preko
njih redjati fiseke. Dobro izmesajte sve ostale sastojke, sem sunke, u
kompaktnu masu i tom masom premazati svaki list sunke. Uvijte premazanu sunku u
fisek i redjajte preko listova zelene salate. Ako fiseci nisu dobro napunjeni
popunite ih masom koju ste stavili u kuvarski spric.
Rolnice od sunke sa bademom
velikih listova sunke
1 kasika
150 g oljustenih, isprzenih i iseckanih badema
4 kasika majoneza
6 velikih parceta suvog mesa
200 g kackavalja
kolicina po ukusu iseckanog i ocedjenog raznog povrca iz
zimnice (za pikantan ukus i razne boje)
Iseckajte i ocedite od sirceta
razno i raznobojno povrce iz zimnice. Pomesajte senf i majonez i tom masom
premazite svako parce sunke. Kackavalj i suvo meso isecite na stapice i na
svako premazano parce sunke staviti stapis sira, stapic mesa i seckano povrce
pa urolajte sunku. Rolnice sunke poredjajte na tanjir Prijatno!
a jednostavno zar ne? Uzivajte!
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