

Chocolate cake - Cokoladna torta

Chocolate cake

     8              eggs
300g             melted chocolate
100g             grinded cookies
150g             sugar
250g             margarine or butter
    4               bags of whipped cream vanilla or 250g powder of whipped cream vanilla
450ml           milk
as required   sugar for whipped cream

Whisk eggs with sugar and then add melted chocolate, grinded cookies and mixed margarine. Equalize the mass, divide it and from half bake 3 crusts. The rest of mass is for filling.
Whisk the whipped cream.
Fill the cake:
-          Crust
-          Fill
-          Whipped cream
If you like white cake fill whipped cream all over the cake, but if you like black cake leave chocolate fill for it.

Cokoladna torta

     8              jaja
300g             rastopljene cokolade
100g             mlevenog keksa
150g             secera
250g             margarina ili maslaca
    4  kesice   slag krema od vanile ili 250g praha za slag krem od vanile
450ml           mleka
po zelji         secer za slag

Umutite jaja sa secerom pa dodajte rastopljenu cokoladu, mleven keks i umucen margarin. Izmesajte masu varjacom i podelite na pola. Od polovine ispecite 3 kore a ostatak ostavite za fil.
Umutite slag.
Tortu filujte na sledeci nacin:
-          Kora
-          Fil od cokolade
-          Slag
Ako vise volite belu tortu filujte celu tortu slagom, a ako vise volite crnu tortu ostavite cokoladni fil i njime premazite celu tortu.

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