

Raffaello balls - Rafaelo

Homemade Raffaello balls

200g     sugar
 1,5dl    water
250g     butter or margarine
400g     milk powder
400g    coconut powder
            hazelnut or almond for kernel

Get warm sugar, water and butter (margarine) to melt all ingredients. Let it cool down a bit and then add milk powder, 300g coconut powder and mix it well. Leave it to fridge to cold about 30min then of that mass make the balls with hazelnut or almond in the middle of them. Roll the balls in remaining coconut.

Rafaelo kuglice

200g    secera
 1.5dl   vode
250g    maslaca ili margarina
400g    mleka u prahu
400g    kokosobog brasna
            lesnik ili badem za jezgro kuglica

Secer, vodu i maslac (margarine) zagrejati, a kada se maslac i secer otope skinuti sa vatre. Ostaviti da se malo prohladi pa dodati mleko u prahu i dobro promesati. Zatim se doda i 300g kokosovog brasna, dobro se izmesa i ostavi u frizider da se stegne oko 30 min. Od dobijene mase praviti kuglice u koje prethodno staviti lesnik ili badem. Uvaljati ih u preostalo kokosovo brasno.

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