

Watermelon cookies - Lubenica kolac

Watermelon cookies

250g            margarine
250g            powdered sugar
    2              vanilla sugar (20g)
250g            powdered milk
as required   extract of raspberry or strawberry or red food color
as required   extract of menthol or green food color

Mixed margarine, sugar and vanilla sugar and then add powdered milk. Make a smooth paste and put it in fridge. Cold pasta split into 3 pieces:
I      one piece paint with red food color or strawberry or raspberry extract for the hart of watermelon
II     another piece paint with green food color or extract of menthe for the rind of watermelon
III   third piece don't paint for the white part between heart and rind of watermelon
Each of colored pieces split into the 9 balls and make little watermelon. Red ball wrap around totally with tiny white foil and then with green. Made balls - watermelon put into the fridge. Cold watermelon cut into the slice look like real watermelon and if you wish you can put into the each slice dark seeds with melt chocolate.


Lubenica kolac

250g           margarina
250g           secera u prahu
    2             vanilin secera (20g)
250g           mleka u prahu
po potrebi   ekstrat maline ili jagode ili crvenu prehrambenu boju
po potrebi   ekstrat mentola ili zelenu prehrambenu boju

Penasto umutiti margarin, secer i vanillin secer pa dodati mleko u prahu i lepo sjediniti. Ohladiti malo u frizideru. Ohladjenu masu podeliti na 3 dela:
I      jedan deo ofarbati crvenom bojom ili ekstratom od jagode ili maline za srce lubenice
II    drugi deo ofarbati zelenom bojom ili ekstratom od mentola za koru lubenice
III   treci deo ostaviti beo za beli deo izmedju kore i srca lubenice
Svaki deo podeliti na 9 loptica i praviti male lubenice tako sto se crvena loptica potpuno obmota belim istanjenim listicem, a zatim zelenim. Napravljene loptice staviti u frizider. Seci na kriske kao lubenicu a rastopljenom cokoladom i cackalicom mogu se tackasto napraviti semenke ukoliko zelite.

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