

Wedding Ring - Burma

Do you know why the wedding ring worn on the fourth finger?

Chinese legend that explains convenient and plausible ...

Thumb represents parents.
Index finger represents your siblings.
The middle finger represents you.
Ring finger (fourth finger) is your partner.
The little finger represents the children.

Now put the hands together palm to palm, then middle fingers put together in the way shown in the picture:

Try to parted thumbs (parents) - are separated, because they should not have lived with you for ever. Then back them together.
Try index fingers to parted too (brothers and friends) - open, as they are leaving, they have their life paths.
Try to parted little fingers (your children) - open, as children grow up and go. Then back them together.
Finally, try to ring finger parted (par - partner) and be surprised - it is impossible to do ... the couple destined to live together to the last day of life, and therefore wears wedding ring on that particular finger.
Znate li zasto se burma nosi na cetvrtom (domalom) prstu?

Kineska legenda to objasnjava zgodno i uverljivo...

Palcevi predstavljaju roditelje.
Kaziprsti predstavljaju tvoju bracu i sestre.
Srednji prst predstavlja tebe samog.
Domali (cetvrti prst) predstavlja tvog partnera.
Mali prst predstavlja decu.

Sad sklopi ruke dlanom o dlan, zatim srednje prste sjedini na nacin na koji je prikazano na slici:

Pokusaj da razdvojis palceve (roditelji) - razdvajaju se, jer oni ne bi trebalo da zive s tobom vecno. Ponovo ih spoji.
Pokusaj da razdvojis kaziprste (braca i prijatelji) - otvaraju se, jer oni odlaze, imaju svoje zivotne puteve.
Pokusaj da razdvojis male prste (tvoja deca) - otvaraju se, jer deca rastu i odlaze. Ponovo ih spoji.
Na kraju, pokusaj da razdvojis domale prste (par - partner) i iznenadices se - to je nemoguce da ucinitis...par je sudbinski vezan do zadnjeg dana zivota i zato se burma nosi bas na tom prstu.

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