

Salty roll of potato - Slani rolat od krompira

Salty roll of potato

     1kg  potato
200g     canned tuna
 3      boiled eggs
1      red pickled pepper
 few      olives
  20g     butter
200g     mayonnaise
             salt, pepper, nutmeg

Peel the potato, cut and boiled in salty water. Decant and make mashed potatoes and add nutmeg (as you like) and butter. Well equate the mass and make the “crust” on the foil in rectangular form. On the crust of potato line up cut boiled eggs, then mashed tuna, cut olives and peppers cut on slices. Bespread mayonnaise in a thin layer over this. Roll this “crust” with help of foil, besspread with mayonnaise and decorate with the remaining slices of pepper, eggs and olives.

Slani rolat od krompira

    1kg       krompira
200g         tune iz konzerve
 3          barena jajeta
     1          crvena kisela paprika
nekoliko   maslina
  20g         maslaca
200g         majoneza
                 so, biber, morsko orasce

Oljustiti krompir, iseci na komade i skuvati u slanoj vodi. Procediti i izgnjeciti u pire pa dodati morsko orasce po zelji i maslac. Masu dobro izjednaciti, izruciti na foliju i napraviti koru od krompira pravougaonog oblika. Na koru od krompira poredjati isecena jaja, zatim izgnjecenu tunu, secene masline i papriku secenu na snite. Preko toga naneti tanak sloj majoneza. Zaviti rolat uz pomoc folije pa ga premazati majonezom. Ukrasiti rolat preostalim jajima, maslinama i paprikom.

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