

Sand cake - Pesak torta

Sand cake

 1.5 l                   milk
    6 tablespoon   sugar
    6 bags             vanilla pudding (custard powder)
250g                   margarine
250g                   butter
250g                   powdered sugar
300g                   ground biscuits
300g                   coconut powder
200g                   melted chocolate or 300g ground walnut
    3 bags             whipped cream or 150g

Mix the custard powder in 1 cup of milk. Remaining milk with 6 tablespoon of sugar put on stove to cook. When milk starts to boil put mixing custard and cook. Ready custard removes from stove and leave to cold. Mix margarine, butter and powdered sugar. Mix it well and then put into cold custard. Divide this mass on three bowls. In one put ground biscuits and mix with mixing spoon, in second put coconut powder and mix and in third put melted chocolate or if you like more put ground walnuts and mix.
Put the mass with ground biscuits on salver and form the cake (round or square – what you prefer). Put mass with coconut over that and then with chocolate or inversely. Bespread all cake with whipped cream and decorate.

Pesak torta

 1.5 l                   mleka
    6 kasika          secera
    6 kesica          pudinga od vanile
250g                   margarina
250g                   maslaca
250g                   secera u prahu
300g                   mlevenog keksa
300g                   kokosovog brasna
200g                   otopljene cokolade ili 300g mlevenog keksa
    3 kesice          slaga ili 150g

Rastvorite puding u solji mleka a ostalo mleko sa secerom stavite da se kuva. Kad mleko provri dodati razmucen puding i skuvati. Gotov puding skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti da se ohladi. Dok se puding hladi penasto umutiti margarin, maslac i prah secer pa sjediniti sa ohladjenim pudingom. Masu podeliti u tri cinije i u jednu dodati mleven keks i dobro izmesati – izmesiti, u drugi dodati kokos a u treci dodati rastopljenu cokoladu ili mlevene orahe ako vise volite i svaku masu dobro izmesati
Staviti masu sa mlevenim keksom na posluzavnik i formirati tortu (okruglu ili cetvrtastu – kako vise volite). Preko ove “kore” staviti masu sa kokosom pa sa cokoladom ili obrnuto. Premazite celu tortu umucenim slagom i ukrasite,  

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