

Unbaked roll of coconut - Nepecen rolat od kokosa

Unbaked roll of coconut

350g                   ground biscuits
200g                   sugar
  14 tablespoon   boiled coffee
    3 ribs              melted chocolate
For fill:
100g                   coconut powder
Some                  warm milk
100g                   margarine or butter
100g                   sugar

Mix ground biscuits with sugar and add boiled coffee and melted chocolate. Mix it well to get a compact mass. Spread rectangular crust for roll.
Overflow the coconut powder with several tablespoon of warm milk to get pulpy mass.
Mix the butter and sugar until the sugar is melted and then add pulpy mass of coconut.
Fill the crust and roll it. Leave in cold.
If you like you can overflow the roll with melted chocolate.

Nepeceni rolat od kokosa

350g                   mlevenog keksa
200g                   secera
  14 kasika          kuvane kafe
    3 rebra            otopljene cokolade
Za fil:
100g                   kokosovog brasna
malo                   toplog mleka
100g                   margarina ili maslaca
100g                   secera

Izmesati mleveni keks sa secerom i dodati kuvanu kafu i istopljenu cokoladu. Masu dobro umesiti pa razvuci pravougaonu koru za rolat.
Preliti kokosovo brasno sa nekoliko kasika vruce mleka da se dobije kasasta masa.
Umutiti maslac sa secerom dok se secer ne istopi pa dodati masu od kokosa.
Filovati koru i zaviti je u rolat. Ostaviti na hladnom.
Rolat se moze preliti istopljenom cokoladom.

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