

CARAMEL SAUCE' - Karamel krem


You'll use this recipe for a million different things; fruit, ice cream, waffles....

1 cup packed brown sugar (Light brown)
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons butter
Pinch of sea salt
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Melt butter in pot, mix in brown sugar, cream and salt.
Cook over medium-low heat and whisk gently
for about 7 minutes or longer if you doubled.
Remove pot from heat; add vanilla and return to
cook for another minute or so to thicken up a bit.
Take it off the stove and pour into a jar then store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

(Yield 1-1/2 cups so you might want to make a double -or triple-batch)!
Karamel krem

Ovaj krem se moze iskoristiti na razne nacine: uz voce, uz sladoled, uz vafle – kekse, …

1 solja        smedjeg secera (svetlo braon)
½ solje       milerama
4 kasike     maslaca
prstohvat   soli
1 kasika     ekstrata vanile

Otopiti maslac pa dodati secer, mileram i so i izmesati dok se sve lepo ne otopi.
Kuvati na slaboj temperaturi polako mesajuci oko 7 minuta ili vise ako je mera uvecana.
Skloniti sa vatre, dodati vanilu i vratiti da se kuva jos oko minut ili do zeljene gustine.
Skloniti sa sporeta i sipati u teglu. Drzati u frizideru do 2 nedelje.

(Od ove mere dobije se 1-1½  solja krema tako da za vece kolicine treba povecati meru)

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