

Uncooked chutney of green tomatoes - Nekuvani ajvar od zelenog paradajza

Uncooked chutney of green tomatoes

    3 kg     green tomatoes
300 g       horseradish
300 g       mustard
   ½ l        oil
                salt to taste

Green tomatoes grind on meat machine and leave in colander to drain over the night. In well-drained tomatoes add mustard, oil salt and grated horseradish. Mix it with hand mixer until nicely homogenization. Pour the mass into jars making sure that all the air from mass are push out. If the air was kept in the mass the chutney can spoil. Cover the jar and leave until use.

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Nekuvani ajvar od zelenog paradajza

    3 kg     zelenog paradajza
300 g       rena
300 g       senfa
   ½ l        ulja
                Soli po ukusu

Zeleni paradajz samleti na masini za meso i staviti u cediljku da se ocedi preko noci. U dobro ocedjen paradajz dodati senf, ulje i rendani ren. Izmixsati mixerom dok se masa lepo ne sjedini. Sipati masu u tegle vodeci racuna da se dobro istisne sav vazduh jer ako ostane moze se ajvar kvariti. Zatvorti tegle i ostaviti do upotrebe.

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