

Homemade Lip Balm - Napravite sami Balzam za usne

 Lip Balm


Here is a way to make lip balm and the best part is that you can make more than one. Also, it’s a great gift for someone as well.
Evo kako mozete sami napraviti balzam za usne i najbolje od svega je sto imate vise komada odjednom. Takodje je dobar poklon.

Materials - Materijal:
  • 2 tablespoons of white beeswax pellets - 2 kasike pcelinjeg (pravog) voska
  • 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil - 4 kasike suncokretovog ulja
  • Few drops of strawberry flavor oil - nekoliko kapi koncentrovanog ulja jagode
  • Lipstick shavings (color that you want) - komadic ruza koji volite

First you place the beeswax pellets and the sunflower oil in a microwavable bowl. 
- Stavite vosak i suncokretovo ulje u posudu koja se moze zagrevati..

Heat it on low to medium heat until the beeswax pellets have melted and stir it with a metal spoon. 
- Zagrevajte na niskoj do srednje temperature dok se vosak ne otopi mesajuci metalnom kasicicom

Use a pipette to put in the few drops of the strawberry oil. 
- Pipetom dodajte nekoliko kapi ulja jagode.

Gradually start adding the lipstick shavings. You can choose a color, but since it is strawberry flavored, a pink color would make the most sense. 
- Postepeno dodajte usitnjen ruz. Sami izaberite boju, ali kako je sa ukusom jagode roze bi najvise odgovarala.

Stir the mixture with a metal spoon and continue to slowly add the shavings until you reach the shade you want. 
- Mesajuci masu metalnom kasicicom dodajte ruz dok ne dobijete nijansu koju zelite.

Using a clean pipette, transfer the lip balm to small pots or whatever container you’d like to put them in.
- Koristeci cistu pipetu  sipajte balzam u posudice koje ste spremili za to.

Here is a great way of packaging the lip gloss for gifts.
Ovo je jedan od nacina pakovanja balzama koji mozete koristiti za poklon

There are many ways to make lip balm, so if you're looking for different flavors you can use the oil you like most
- Postoji mnogo nacina kako napraviti balzam pa ako volite neki drugi miris, ukus mozete koristiti ulje sa mirisom koji vi najvise volite.

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