

Depilation with sugar - Depilacija secerom

Depilation with sugar paste

Among the many methods of hair removal, it is known that depilation with sugar paste is based on the use of 100% natural ingredients that are safe for use on all skin types and does not cause irritation, some may be due to the sensitivity of the wax. In comparison to other methods of hair removal is almost painless, as the stands and thereby harmless.
You can make the sugar paste at your home.

What you need:
10 tablespoons   sugar
  1 tablespoon    of honey
½                       lemon (juice of half fresh lemon)
  1 tablespoon    water

All of the above listed ingredients mix well and cook over low heat for about five minutes until a uniform, sticky mass, bright yellow- gold color. When you get the mass looks like that, your sugar paste is prepared. Then you can remove out of the pan in which you cooked, you can pour into a glass bowl, and then place into the fridge to cool completely and become ready for use.
How to use:
Sugar paste which is ready for use, use by the uniform layer applied to the skin area that you want to waxing and in the direction of hair growth, and then to stretch and slide back and forth uniform motion. Also, over the sugar paste can stick thin, pre-prepared cotton tape and drag them in the direction of hair growth and pull them also in hair grown direction how you can almost completely painlessly removed them. Important thing when you use sugar paste, is that it is completely safe to use and removal, as the foot area, and the area of the groin, arm or upper lip and without causing irritation of the skin. And, no ingrown hairs!
An additional advantage when you use sugar paste as hair removal is that for this method of waxing is not necessary to wait for the hair too high, but it is enough that their length is only about 2 mm.

Šećerna pasta

Među brojnim metodama depilacije, poznato je da jedepilacija šećernom pastom zasnovana na upotrebi 100% prirodnih sastojaka, koji su apsolutno bezbedni za upotrebu na svim tipovima kože i ne izazivaju iritacije, kakve se mogu javiti usled osetljivosti na vosak. U odnosu na druge metode depilacije izdvaja kao gotovo bezbolna i pritom bezopasna.

Šećernu pastu možete da napraviti i sami

Šta vam je potrebno:
10 supenih kašika     šećera
  1 supena kašika     meda 
½                            limuna (sok od polovine svežeg limuna)
  1 supena kašika     vode

Način pripreme:
Sve gore nabrojane sastojke dobro pomešati i kuvati na laganoj vatri oko pet minuta, sve dok ne dobijete homogenu, lepljivu masu, sjajne žuto-zlatne boje. Kada dobijete masu opisanog izgleda, vaša šećerna pasta je gotova i iz posude u kojoj ste je kuvali, možete je presuti u staklenu posudu, a zatim odložiti u frižider da se potpuno ohladi i postane spremna za upotrebu.
Način upotrebe:
Šećernu pastu koja je spremna za upotrebu, koristite tako što ćete je u ravnomernom sloju naneti na područje kože koje želite da depilirate i to u pravcu rasta dlake, a zatim je razvlačite i povlačite napred-nazad ujednačenim pokretima. Takođe, preko šećerne paste možete da zalepite tanke, unapred pripremljene pamučne trake i povlačite ih takođe u pravcu rasta dlake kako biste ih gotovo sasvim bezbolno uklonili.
Ono što je bitno naglasiti kod upotrebe šećerne paste, jeste da je ona sasvim bezbedna za primenu i uklanjanje dlaka, kako sa područja nogu, tako i sa područja prepona, ruku ili nausnica i da pritom ne izaziva pojavu iritacija na koži. I nema uraslih dlaka!
Dodatna prednost kada je u pitanju depilacija šećernom pastom je ta, što kod ove metode depilacije nije neophodno čekati da dlake previše porastu, već je dovoljno da njihova dužina bude svega oko 2 mm. 

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