ideas for dough
Jos ideja za testo
Salty dough – slano testo:
- interesting way to
use bread , make more sandwiches at the same time –
interesantan nacin kako iskoristiti preostao hleb, napravite vise sendvica
- interesting braid from dough – interesantna pletenica od testa
- flower from dough (fill can be from spinach, cheese, eggs, ham, ... and something you like to eat) – cvet od testa (fil moze biti od spanaca, sira, jaja, sunke, ... i svega onoga sto vi volite da jedete)
- flower from hot dogs in dough – cvet od virsle u testu
This dough
can be salty or sweet in dependence of fill
sledeca testa se mogu praviti i slatka i slana u
zavisnosti od fila:
For example – na primer:
- filling with cheese, eggs, ham, meat,
vegetable and other salty ingredients you have salty dough – fil sa sirom,
jajima, sunkom, mesom, povrcem i drugim slanim namirnicama dobijate slano testo
- but if you for filling use
sugar, walnuts, poppy, fruits, cream, chocolate cream, jam or other sweet
ingredients you have a sweetly dough – ako za fil koristite secer, orahe,
mak, voce, krem, cokoladni krem, dzem ili druge slatke sastojke dobijate slatko
- you
can add there fill from grinded meat for salty or grinded walnuts for sweetly
dough – ovde mozete dodati fil od mlevenog mesa za slano ili od melvenih
oraha za slatko testo
- filling
for this flower can be grinded meat, or cheese or whatever you like to mix for
salty, but for sweetly it can be jam, chocolate, cream with fruit, grinded
walnuts, poppy ... – fil za ovaj cvet moze biti mleveno meso ili sir ili sta god vi volite
da pomesate za slano testo, dok za slatko moze biti dzem, cokolada, krem sa
vocem, mleveni orasi, mak, ...- stuffed cones: vegetables for salty or fruits for sweetly – punjeni fiseci: povrce za slane ili voce za slatke
- if you use cheese, meat, ham, vegetable... it will be salty but if you use jam. walnuts, poppy, fruits ... it will be sweetly – ako koristite sir, meso, sunku, povrce ... bice slano, ali ako koristite dzem, orahe, mak, voce ... bice slatko
- and for the end of this trip some flowers, butterfly and beautiful tree of dough – i za kraj ovog putovanja neki cvetici, leptir i prelepo drvo od testa
You can make everything with dough. Play with dough, you two are the
perfect couple. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Od testa mozete sve napraviti. Igrajte sa sa testom, vas dvoje ste
idealan par. Uzivajte!!!!!
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