Cooling cucumber skin toner
Tonik od krastavca
This toner is
very mild and works well for all skin types. Cucumber is great for soothing and
softening skin because it has the same pH as healthy skin.
- Ovaj tonik
je vrlo blag tako da je pogodan za sve vrste koze. Krastavac je odlican za
smirenje i omeksavanje koze jer ima istu pH vrednost kao i koza.
For toner you need – za ovaj tonik je potrebno:
1/2 cucumber with peel, chopped –
½ iseckanog krastavca sa ljuskom
3 tablespoons witch hazel – 3 kasike biljke witch hazel
2 tablespoons distilled water – 2 kasike destilovane vode
3 tablespoons witch hazel – 3 kasike biljke witch hazel
2 tablespoons distilled water – 2 kasike destilovane vode
Preparation - priprema:
Put all of the ingredients in
a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture through a
fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids, and then pour the toner into a
clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Store this toner in the refrigerator for
a longer shelf life—it should last for several weeks.
- Staviti sve sastojke u blender i izmiksati dok ne postane glatka masa. Procediti
masu kroz finu cediljku ili sito da se odstrane svi cvrsti sastojci a zatim
sipati tonik u bocicu. Cuvati tonik u frizideru kako bi duze trajao. Moze da
stoji nekoliko nedelja.
To use, apply the toner to your
face using a clean cotton ball.
Za uputrebu, sipati toner na vatu i tonirati lice.
Witch hazel
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis, is a
genus of flowering plants in the family Hamamelidaceae, with three species in
North America (H. ovalis, H. virginiana and H. vernalis), and one each in Japan
(H. japonica) and China (H. mollis). The North American species are occasionally
called winterbloom.
- Witch-hazel
(Hamamelis, je rod od cvetnica u porodici Hamamelidaceae , sa tri vrste u
Severnoj Americi ( H. ovalis , H. virginiana H. vernalis ) , i po jedan u
Japanu ( H. japonica ) i Kini ( H. mollis ) . Severnoameričke vrste se
povremeno nazivaju vinterbloom.
are the pictures – evo i fotografija:![](
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis flowers
Hamamelis Japonica
Hamamelis japonica0
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