Ice cream vanilla and chocolate
Warm days are coming. Ice cream, lemonade, cooled
juice, iced tea can make us a little cool. You can make fruit ice cream (recipe
here or:
), and if you prefer vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream you can try to
make it yourself. Recipe is here
5 eggs
5 tablespoon sugar
2 bags whipped cream
200 g sour
cream or 1 cup
10 g vanilla sugar or vanilla
beans from 1 vanilla
Whisk egg white with sugar to foam and add egg yolks one by one. In
that mass - foam adds sour cream and mixes it to a compact mass. Than add
whipped cream and mix it well. Pour into the container and put it in freezer.
It is not necessary to stir it.
Notice: if you like a
chocolate ice cream in that mass you can add melted chocolate with a little
chocolate crumbs. You can divided that mass and one 1/2 leave as a vanilla ice
cream and into the other 1/2 you can add chocolate.
In vanilla cream, you can add chopped hazelnuts or almonds but then
you can stir it one or two times before it will freeze because that the
hazelnuts or almonds are heavier than the mass and fall to the bottom.
Sladoled od vanile i cokolade
Topli dani stizu i sladoled, limunada, hladan sok, ledeni caj moze
nas okrepiti i malo rashladiti. Mozete sami napraviti vocni sladoled (recept je
ovde ili:
), a ako vise volite sladoled od vanile ili cokolade mozete i njega napraviti
sami po ovom receptu:
5 jaja
5 kasike secera
2 kesice slag krema umucenog
200 g kisele pavlake
ili jedna casa
10 g vanilin secera ili zrnaca od 1
sipke vanile
Umutiti belanca sa secerom tako da se dobije cvrst sneg pa dodati
zumanca jedno po jedno. U tu masu – penu dodati kiselu pavlaku i dobro
izmesati. Kad se dobije kompaktna masa dodati umucen slag i polako ga umesati. Sipati
u posudu i staviti u zamrzivac. Nije potrebno naknadno mesati.
Napomena: ako volite
sladoled od cokolade pripremite ga na isti nacin samo sto na kraju dodajte
istopljenu cokoladu sa malo cokoladnih mrvica. Mozete i dobijenu masu jer ima
dosta podeliti i jednu polovinu ostaviti kao sladoled od vanile a u drugu
polovinu dodati cokoladu.
U sladoled od vanile mozete dodavati razne sastojke kao usitnjene (ne
mlevene) lesnike ili bademe ali tada je potrebno dva tri puta promesati masu
pre nego sto se zaledi jer ovi sastojci su tezi i padaju na dno.
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