
Nail Polish Marbled Glassware - Case obojene lakom za nokte

Nail Polish Marbled Glassware
Staklarija (case) obojene lakom za nokte

You’ll need - Potrebno je:

  • flat bottomed glassware - staklene case sa ravnim dnom
  • variety of colorful nail polish - raznobojni lakovi za nokte
  • clear nail polish - bezbojan lak za nokte
  • a disposable plastic container - plasticna posuda za jednokratnu upotrebu
  • nail polish remover - odstranjivac laka za nokte
  • painters tape - traka za zastitu
  • toothpicks - cackalice

How to make
 Kako napraviti

Mask off the bottom of the glass with painters tape.
Oblepiti casu po ivici dna zastitnom trakom.
Fill a disposable, plastic container with water. Open all the nail polish bottles and start dripping polish into the water, one color at a time.
Napuniti posudu za jednokratnu upotrebu vodom. Otvoriti sve bocice lakova za nokte i pocnite da kapate lak u vodu, jednu boju za drugom.
Layer the colors one on top of the other. Take a toothpick and pull out the polish to create a swirly pattern, starting from the center. Work quickly as the polish will start to harden and clump up over time.
Lak je u slojevima jedan preko drugog. uzmite cackalicu i napravite vrtloznu saru pocevsi od centra. Radite brzo jer se lak brzo steze.
Submerge the bottom of the glass into the polish. Allow the polish to collect around the sides of the glass and pull out carefully. Little air bubbles may form but that is to be expected! Before marbling the next glass, take a clean toothpick and sweep up any excess polish from the water.
Uronite casu tako da dnom case pritisnete lak. Lak neka se nalepi i oko stranica case pa pazljivo izvucite casu. moguce je da ima malih mehurica. Pre uranjanja sledece case cackalicom otstraniti stvrdnuti lak.
Allow to dry completely before applying a layer of clear polish.
Ostaviti da se potpuno osusi pre nego se nanese bezbojan lak za nokte.
Once everything has dried, remove the painters tape and touch up with nail polish remover and a cotton swab.
Kada se sve osusi otkloniti traku i poravnati ivice vatom natopljenom u otstranjivac laka.
Your glowing glasses are finished! *Glassware should be hand washed only.
Vase sjajne case su gotove.! *Ove case se mogu prati samo rucno.
Bottoms up!

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