
Diaper tricycle - Tricikl od pelena

Diaper tricycle
Tricikl od pelena

Nice gift for newborn baby and his/her mother. Here is how to make it
 Lep poklon za novorodjence i negovu/njenu majku. Evo i kako napraviti

make 3 "wheel"
napraviti 3 "tocka"

Roll the blanket and put through of the tires, and other blanket through the front tire
urolati cebe i provuci kroz tockove i drugo cebence kroz prednju "gumu"

Put a bib on the front tire and the bottle on top of the bib that the bottom of the bottle becomes the headlight
Staviti portiklu na vrh prednje "gume" i flasicu tako da dno izgleda kao far.
Brought both ends of the second blanket up over the bottle and secure it with a rubber band. Took the baby socks and add them to the ends of the blanket forming the handlebars. Add the other bib (the seat) with the neck portion going around the handlebars.
Sastaviti krajeve cebenceta iznad bocice i pricvrstiti gumicom. Uzeti carapice, navuci ih na krajeve cebenceta tako da izgledaju kao rucice a zatim dodati drugu portiklu kao sediste vezujuci je za upravljac.
Over the rubber band tie a bow.
Oko gumice vezati masnu.
And tricycle is finihed.
I tricikl je gotov.

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