
Fasting nuts - Posni orascici

Fasting nuts

250 g                   ground walnuts
250 g                   powdered sugar
    1                      lemon (juice of 1 lemon)
    1 tablespoon    cocoa

Mix ground walnuts and sugar. Add juice of 1 lemon and knead the mass. Divide the mass into the two parts. One of those parts left as it is and in the other add cocoa stirred in a small amount of water and mix to equalize the mass. Make small balls of white mass and wrap them in a thin layer of dark mass to look like nuts. If you want, you can roll balls in granulated sugar, ground walnuts or grated chocolate. Alternatively, you can left them as them are. Put them into the paper cases and leave for 2 - 3 days to be dried.

Posni orascici

250 g                   mlevenih oraha
250 g                   secera u prahu
    1                      limunn (sok od 1 limuna)
    1 kasika           kakaa

Izmesati mlevene orahe i secer pa dodati sok od 1 limuna i zamestit masu kao testo. Podeliti masu na dva dela i jedan deo ostaviti kakav jeste a u drugi dodati kasiku kakaa razmucenu u malo vode i izmesati da se masa izjednaci. Praviti male loptice od bele mase pa ih uvijati u tanak sloj tamne mase tako da izgledaju kao orasi. Ako zelite mozete gotove loptice uvaljati u kristal secer, mlevene orahe ili rendanu cokoladu, a mozete ih ostaviti kakve jesu. Staviti loprice u papirne korpice i ostaviti 2 - 3 dana da se osuse.

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