
Braided T-Shirt Bracelets - Narukvica-pletenica napravljena od majice

Braided T-Shirt Bracelets
Narukvica-pletenica napravljena od majice

You have some old T shirt, or only T shirt you dont like anymore. Here is practical solutions how to use it. Make a braided bracelets.
Imate neku staru majicu ili jednostavno neku koja vam se vise ne svidja. Evo prakticno resenje kako da je iskoristite. Napravite narukvicu od nje.
You’ll need potrebno vam je:
-          Cotton T-shirt you don’t mind cutting uppamucna majica koju cete seci na trake
-          1 yard of rattail cord for each bracelet – 1 m "rattail" trake ili jednostavno okrugle pertle vam je potrebno za svaku narukvicu
-          Magnets – magneti za krajeve kako bi spojili narukvicu
-     Gluelepak

1. Cut the shirt into 3 strips roughly 1-inch wide and about 12 inches long. But don’t stress cutting this precisely. The ends will roll in so you don’t need it to be pretty. Isecite 3 trake majice sirine 2,5 cm i duzine 30,5 cm. Ne uzbudjujte se ako trake nisu ravne. Trake ce se uviti pa se nepravilnosti nece primecivati.
2. Cut the rattail cord into 3 10-inch pieces – isecite "rattail" traku ili pertle na tri trake duzine 25,5 cm
3. Anchor the top with a bobby pin or rubber band, separate into 3 strands, and start braiding – Fiksirajte krajeve snalicom za kosu ili gumicom i pocnite da pletete pletenicu
4. When you get to the end of the braid, snip the ends, bunch all of the pieces together, and glue on the magnet – Kada dodjete do kraja pletenice spojite sve krajeve i zalepite za magnet
5. Do the same to the other end. Wrap it around your wrist and make sure you have the right length before attaching the second magnet – Pre nego sto zalepite magnet na drugom kraju pletenice – narukvice obmotajte je oko zgloba kako biste proverili duzinu

6. Cut two little pieces of fabric to cover over the magnet ends – Isecite dva manja parceta tkanine da obacijete magnete
7. Fold the fabric over the magnet and glue together – Obmotajte tkaninu oko magneta i zalepite
And, ... enjoy in your new bracelet – I, ... uzivajte u vasoj novoj narukvici


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