
Honey diet - Medena dijeta

Honey diet
(Winters fat for three days)

For three days, you will lose at least 2kg if you follow this diet. Historians claim that the women of ancient Egypt and Greece from time to time on a diet eating only eggs and honey, adding fresh fruit.

I day: breakfast - Mix egg yolk with a spoon sparsely honey and add a little pepper. Drink this sparsely mass and "sweeten" with cup of coffee or tea. Instead of sugar use honey.
              snack - coffee or tea with lemon and honey.
            lunch - yolk and honey as well as a breakfast, a piece of cheese and tea or coffee.
            snack - tea or coffee.
            dinner - cup of soup, 2 crackers, egg yolk with honey, a piece of fresh fruit, tea or coffee.

II day: breakfast - egg yolk with honey, toasted bread with butter, tea or coffee with honey
              snack - tea or coffee with honey.
              lunch - yolk with honey, a piece of roasted meat, 3 tablespoons of a cooked vegetable, tea or coffee
              snack - tea or coffee with honey.
              dinner - yolk with honey, a piece of hard cheese on toasted bread with butter, tea or coffee.

The third day is the same as the first, but if you are persistent enough, repeat the fourth day of the second day's menu.
Medena dijeta
(  zimsko salo za tri dana  )

Za tri dana izgubicete najmanje  2kg  ako se pridrzavate ove dijete. Istoricari tvrde da su zene starog Egipta i Grcke s vremena na vreme drzale dijetu hraneci se samo jajima i medom, dodajuci sveze voce.

I   dan :  dorucak --  pomesajte zumance sa kasicicom retkog meda i dodajte malo bibera. Popijte ovu retku masu i  ,,zasladite,,  soljicom kafe ili caja. Umesto secera upotrebite med.
             uzina     --  kafa ili caj sa limunom i medom.
             rucak     --  zumance i med kao i za dorucak, komad sira i caj ili kafa.
             uzina     --  caj ili kafa.
             vecera   --  solja supe, 2 slana keksa, zumance sa medom, komad svezeg voca, caj ili kafa.

II  dan :  dorucak --  zumance sa medom, prepecen hleb sa buterom, caj ili kafa sa medom
              uzina     --  caj ili kafa sa medom.
              rucak     --  zumance sa medom, komad pecenog mesa, 3 kasike kuvanog povrca, caj ili kafa
              uzina     --  caj ili kafa sa medom.
              vecera    --  zumance sa medom, komad tvrdog sira na prepecenom hlebu sa buterom, caj ili kafa.

Treci dan je isti kao i prvi, a ukoliko ste dovoljno uporni cetvrtog dana ponovite jelovnik od drugog dana.

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