

Miror or 2-Way Glass - Ogledalo ili 2 sistemsko staklo, ogledalo

Mirror or 2-Way Glass?
     How do you know when you are in a room, restroom, motel etc. with a mirror or 2-way glass?

     Do you know how to determine if a mirror is 2-way or not?
     Here's how!
     A policewoman who travels all over the U.S. and gives seminars and techniques for the modern woman has recommended this.
     When you visit the restroom, bathroom, hotel room, etc., how many of you know for sure that the mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror (they can see you, but you can not see them)? There have been many cases installing 2 - system mirrors in female changing rooms. It is almost impossible to distinguish these areas by looking at them.
     So how do we determine what type of mirror we look?
    Only perform this simple test: Place the tip of the nail on the mirror surface and if there is a gap between the nail and nail pictures, it is a good mirror.
    However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY touching image of your nail, then keep an eye out! IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR!
     "Leave the place."
     So remember, every time you see a mirror, do the test "nail". It costs nothing.

Ogledalo ili 2-sistemska stakla (2-Way Glass) ?
     Kako mozete znati kada ste u sobi, toaletu motela itd sa ogledalom ili 2-sistemskim staklom?
     Da li znate kako da utvrdite da li je ogledalo ogledalo ili 2-sistemsko staklo? 
     Evo kako! 
     Policajka koja putuje sirom US i drzi seminare i tehnike za savremene zene preporucuje ovo:
     Kada posetite toalet, kupatilo, hotelsku sobu itd. koliko vas zna  za sigurno da ogledalo sto visi na zidu je pravo ogledalo ili je zapravo 2-sistemsko ogledalo (tj. oni mogu da vide vas, ali vi ne mozete da vidite njih)? Bilo je mnogo slucajeva instaliranja 2-sistemskih ogledala u zenskim svlacionicama. Gotovo je nemoguce razlikovati ove povrsine gledajuci u njih.
     Dakle, kako cemo odrediti sa sigurnoscu u koju vrstu ogledala gledamo?
     Samo izvedite ovaj jednostavan test: Stavite vrh nokta na povrsinu ogledala i ako postoji jaz izmedju nokta i slike nokta onda je to PRAVO ogledalo.
     Medjutim, ako vas nokat DIREKTNO dodiruje sliku vaseg nokta onda PAZITE! TO JE 2-sistemsko OGLEDALO!
    “Napustite to mesto.” 
     Тako zapamtite, svaki put kada vidite ogledalo, uradite test  ”nokat”. To ne kosta nista.

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