

Rolls of chestnut puree - Rolat od kesten pirea

Rolls of chestnut puree

For crust:
6                     eggs
6 tablespoon   sugar
6 tablespoon   chestnut puree
2 tablespoon   flour
For fill:
150 g                  butter
150 g                  powdered sugar
  10 tablespoon   chestnut puree
  20 g                  vanilla sugar
For cake ice:
3 rub            chocolate
2 teaspoon   sugar
2 teaspoon   oil

Crust: Whisk egg yolks with sugar; add chestnut puree, snow of egg whites and flour. Mix it well slowly and put into the greased and sprinkled with flour baking tray. Bake it about 20min on 180°C - 356°F. Roll on the crust in wet napkin.
Fill: Whisk sugar and butter and then add vanilla sugar or vanilla and chestnut puree. Mix it well.
Cake ice: Melt the chocolate with sugar and oil.
Daub the crust and roll on it. Compress the roll, overflow with cake ice and sprinkle with crumbs of chestnut puree obtained by pressing the grater.

Rolat od kestena

Za koru:
6              jaja
6 kasika   secera
6 kasika   kesten pirea
2 kasike   brasna
Za fil:
150 g         butera
150 g         secera
 10 kasika  kesten pirea
 20 g          vanilin secera
Za glazuru:
3 rebra      cokolade
2 kasicice  secera
2 kasicice  ulja

Kora: Umutite zumanca sa secerom, dodajte kesten pire, sneg od belanaca i brasno. Sipajte u podmazan i brasnom posut pleh i pecite oko 20 min na 180°C. Pecenu koru umotajte u vlazan salvet.
Fil: Umutite secer i buter pa dodajte vanilin secer i kesten pire.
Glazura: Otopite cokoladu sa secerom i uljem.
Premazite koru filom i urolajte u rolat. Pritisnite malo rolat rukama. Premazite rolat glazurom i pospite mrvicama od kesten pirea dobijenim pritiskivanjem kroz rende.

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