

Vanilla biscuites - Vanilice

If you want lean prepare it with margarine

Vanilla biscuits

Old recipes is with pork lard (fat).
200g                   pork lard (fat) or 250g butter or margarine
    4 tablespoon   sugar
         1                                          egg
         1                                          egg yolk
         1                                          lemon (juice and grated rind)
500g                   flour
                           jam for attach vanilla biscuits
about 100g         powdered sugar

Whisk the fat to become milky white and add sugar. Whisk until the sugar melts. Add egg and egg yolk and mix to a compact mass. Add grated lemon rind and lemon juice from one little lemon and mix it. Add flour and knead the dough. Develop dough to a crust ½ cm thickness and take out vanilla biscuits with mold. Line up it to a baking tray and bake on 200°C – 392F for 15 -20 minutes. Remove the baking tray from oven and warm vanilla biscuits attach one to each other with jam. Roll vanilla biscuits in powdered sugar.

Ako zelite posne pripremite ih sa margarinom

Starinski recept je sa upotrebom masti.
200g                   masti ili 250g maslaca ili margarina
    4 kasike          secera
     1                    jaje
     1                    zumance
     1                    limun – sok i rendana kora
500g                   brasna
                           Dzem za sastavljanje vanilica
oko  100g           secera u prahu

Umutiti mast da postane mlecno bela pa dodati secer. Mutiti dok se secer ne istopi. Dodati jaje i zumance i mutiti da masa postane kompaktna. Dodati sok i rendanu koru jednog manjeg limuna i dobro izmesati. Zamesiti sa 500g brasna. Razviti koru debljine ½ cm i vaditi vanilice modlom. Poredjati ih u pleh i peci na temparaturi 200°C – 392F, 15 -20 minuta. Izvaditi pleh iz rerne i vruce vanilice sastavljati dzemom i uvaljati ih u prah secer.

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