

Hard Water Stain Remover - Otklanjanje kamenca

Hard Water Stain Remover
Otklanjanje kamenca

Ingredients     – sastojci:
white vinegar – alkoholno sirce
lemon juice    – sok od limuna
dish soap        – tecni deterdzent za sudove
spray bottle    – bocica sa pumpicom

Recipe – recept:
Fill up nearly half of a spray bottle with vinegar and add 1/4 cup lemon juice. Then fill up the majority of the remaining space in spray bottle with your dish soap.
Bocicu sa pumpicom napunite do polovine sa alkoholnim sircetom pa dodajte ¼  solje limunovog soka. Ostatak bocice dopunite deterdzentom za sudove.

Try to clean something like this – Pokusajte da ocistite nesto poput ovoga.

Shake up that bottle and soak those stubborn stains. – Promuckajte mesavinu u boci i natopite mrlju od kamenca.
Let it sit for 30 mins…. – Ostavite da deluje oko 30 minuta ...

Now, time to scrub that. – Vreme je za ribanje.

Rinse and dry. – Isperite i osusite oribani deo.
Can you believe that? – Da li mozete da poverujete?

From that  - Od ovoga
... to this - do ovoga
Try!!!!!! - Pokusajte
One more way how to remove hard water stain is to drench the paper towels with vinegar and apply to a hard water stain and leave it over night. In the morning remove the paper towels and wash your bathtub or toilet - Jos jedan nacin da otklonite kamenac je da natopite papirne ubruse sirvetom i zalepite ih na mesta gde je kamenac. Ostavite preko noci a ujutru sklonite ubruse i isperite vodom vasu kadu ili WC solju.   

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