

Homemade Deodorant - Napravite sami dezodorans

Homemade Deodorant

Women typically shave their armpits and then minutes later apply chemicals directly on those open pores.
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and it absorbs anything we put on it. We need to be very careful what we allow to be absorbed into our body!
So toss that brand name deodorant! Your skin deserves better!
This homemade deodorant works excellently!

1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup arrowroot powder
2/3 cup coconut oil, melted
2 four-ounce containers to put deodorant in it

Mix the baking soda and arrowroot powder with a fork. Pour in the melted coconut oil and stir until there are no clumps and all is incorporated.
Set in refrigerator for about an hour, until it has firmed up. (This prevents separation.)
Leave the container in the bathroom.
To apply:
Take out about 1/2 teaspoon (can use the back of fingernail to “scoop” it), allow it to rest against your skin for a couple seconds (letting it warm) and then rub it into your armpit.
Coconut oil melts at 76 degrees F. If you live in a warm climate, you may need to store the deodorant in the refrigerator, or stir it before each use.
Coconut oil is a wonderful: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
Baking soda is a great deodorizer and combats offensive smells.
Arrowroot makes it more “spreadable”. Avoid cornstarch, because GMO corn is so prevalent.

Napravite sami dezodorans

Zene cest depiliraju – brijaju predeo ispod pazuha i odmah koriste dezodorans na sveze tretirano mesto sa prosirenim porama.
Nasa koza je najveci organ naseg tela i apsorbuje – upija sve sto se stavi na nju. Treba da budemo vrlo pazljivi sta dozvoljavamo da kroz kozu ulazi u nase telo!
Bacimo proizvod nazvan dezodorans! Nasa koza zasluzuje nesto bolje!
Ovaj domaci dezodorans deluje neverovatno!

1/2 solja sode bikarbone
1/2 solja arrowroot praha ili kukuruznog skroba ako nije GMO kukuruz
2/3 solja otopljenog kokosovog ulja
2 kutije oko 120g za odlaganje dezodoransa

Pomesajte viljuskom sodu bikarbonu sa praskom arrowroot ili kukuruznim skrobom. Sipajte u rastopljeno kokosovo ulje i mesajte dokle god ima grudvica i dok se masa ne ujednaci.
Stavite masu u frizider oko sat vremena dok se ne stegne. (Ovo je potrebno da se kasnije ne bi odvajale komponente - ulje)
Bocicu mozete drzati u kupatilu.
Uzmite oko 1/2 kasicice(mozete koristiti nokat umesto kasicice), zadrzite malo da otstoji na kozi da se zagreje pa ga utrljajte pod pazuh.
Kokosovo ulje se topi na 24ºC. Ako je temperatura visoka drzite kutiju sa "dezodoransom" u frizideru ili izmesajte pre svake upotrebe da se masa izjednaci.
Kokosovo ulje je divno : ono je anti - virusno, anti-bakterijsko i anti - gljivično.
Soda bikarbona je odlican osvezivac i upija neprijatne mirise.
Arrowroot cini masu razmazivom, kremastom. Izbegavajte kukuruzni skrob ako niste sigurni da nije GMO.

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