
Autumn toys - Jesenje igracke

Autumn toys
Jesenje igracke

You and your kids can play together. Let's see how.
Go to wood or park and collect some pinecones, chestnuts, acorns and peanuts shields can be useful too. Use matches and make interesting toys
Vi i vasa deca se mozete igrati zajedno. Hajde da vidimo kako.
Idite u sumu ili park i sakupite malo sisarki, kestenja, zireva ali i ljuske od kikirikija mogu biti korisne. Uzmite sibice i pravite interesantne igracke


Halloween 2 - Noc vestica 2

Halloween - Pumpkin carving
Noc vestica – rezbarenje bundeva

Or maybe pumpkin carvin cute -  Ili mozda ne tako strasne bundeve

If you are skilled in carving, it can be the characters from children's fairy tales or popular Hello Kitty Ako ste vesti u rezbarenju to mogu biti i likovi iz decijih bajki ili popularna Hallo Kitty

... or pumpkin eats little pumpkin - ... ili bundeva jede malu bundevu

Sometimes-pumpkin vomit – Ponekad bundeva povraca

...but sometimes it can be the vase for flowers - ... ali ponekad moze biti i vaza z cvece
... and just few more i samo jos nekoliko