
Figaro (Figaro wafers - Figaro oblande)


     4      egg yolks
150 g   powdered sugar
150 g   chopped walnuts
150 g   chocolate
  90 g   butter or margarine (half butter and half margarine optional)

In saucepan mix butter with sugar and add egg yolks. When you get a compact mass, add chopped walnuts and melted chocolate. Stir it gently. Cook it on the steam. When it densely enough, that you can see the trace on the saucepan when you pull the wooden spoon to the bottom, remove it from the steam. Pour the mass into the triangular mold previously coated with cellophane. Leave it to cool. When it is cold and tighten take out from the mold, remove the cellophane, cut into the slices and serve.

Notice: You can pour the chocolate glaze, can this mixture coated wafer and covered with the second wafer and then pour chocolate glaze (then you have Figaro wafers), but simply you can serve triangles as it is.


     4      zumanca
150 g   prah secera
150 g   seckanih oraha
150 g   cokolade
  90 g   maslaca ili margarina (pola maslaca a pola margarina po zelji)

U serpu ili sud u kome se moze kuvati na pari umutite maslac sa secerom pa dodati zumanca. Kada se dobije kompaktna masa umesati seckane orahe i rastopljenu cokoladu. Kuvati na pari. Kada se dovoljno zgusne da se vidi trag varjace kad se povuce po dnu skloniti sa pare. Izliti u trouglasti kalup prethodno oblozen celofanom. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Kad se ohladi i stegne izruciti iz kalupa, skinuti celofan, iseci na parcice i sluziti.

Napomena: Mozete preliti glazurom od cokolade, mezete masom premazati oblandu i prekriti drugom oblandom a zatim staviti glazuru od cokolade i dobicete Figaro oblande, a mozete jednostavno posluziti trouglove ovakve kakvi su.

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