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Candied lemon or orange peel - Kandirane kore od limuna ili narandze

Candied lemon or orange peel


      Now it has lemons and oranges all year long so you can always make this delicacy. It's delicious and you use what you normally throw.

     When you peel the lemon or orange, do not throw the peel. A delicious sweet snack can be made from it. Believe it is very dependency to start with this, because when you start eating,  it hard to leave it, and here's how they get ready.

- Lemons or orange peels - can both
- Crystal sugar - the amount of weight of peels
- Water - ½ weight of the weight of peels

     Lemons and / or orange peels put in water. Peels hold in water three days, and water changing twice daily. After 3 days, the peels becomes softly and the bitterness from them is released.

     Place the peel in water to cook and leave it 2-3 minutes to boil. Then filter it. Put the peel in the water again and repeat the procedure. It should be cooked 3-5 times to peel be soft.
     Boiled peel filtered as well as possible (do not squeeze) and cut them into stick or dice - as you like more. 

Put the sugar (weight of cut peels) and water (½ weight of dried peels) to be cooked until syrup is made. Put the drained peels in syrup and mix. In the beginning, the masses are dilute because there are still water in the peels, but very quickly it thickens and begins to adhere. When all the water is evaporated, remove the sticks onto the baking paper sprinkled with sugar, place them one by one and not over each other, sprinkle sugar over them and let them dry. Peels is sucked for a few days and it is more beautiful to eat, but it can be eaten already tomorrow. Dried peels can stand for a long time. The longer the claims are, the more crisp. 
       The life time is until it is eaten, it depends on you.


Kandirane kore od limuna ili narandze

     Sada ima limuna i narandzi preko cele godine tako da ovu poslasticu mozete uvek da napravite. Ukusno je a koristimo ono sto obicno bacate.
    Kada oljustite limun ili narandzu ne bacajte koru. Od nje se moze napraviti ukusna slatka grickalica. Verujte vrlo je zarazno poceti sa ovim jer kad pocnete da jedete tesko ih ostavljate, a evo kako se spremaju.

-          Korice od limuna ili narandze – moze i jedne i druge
-          Kristal secer  - kolicina koliko su teske korice
-          Voda – ½ tezine korica
-          Secer za posipanje

     Kore od limuna i/ili narandze potopiti u vodu. Potopljene kore treba tri dana da stoje u vodi s tim sto se voda menje dva pute dnevno. Posle 3 dana kore malo omeksaju i oslobodi se gorcina iz njih.
     Staviti kore sa vodom da provri i ostaviti 2-3 minuta da vri pa procediti. Iscedjene kore staviti u vodu i ponoviti postupak. Treba 3-5 puta kore prokuvati i procediti da lepo omeksaju.
     Prokuvane kore dobro ocediti u cediljki (ne stiskati) pa ih iseci na zilijen (stapice) ili kockice – kako vam se vise svidja. 

Staviti secer (tezina isecenih korica) i vodu ( ½ tezine iscedjenih korica) da se kuva dok se ne napravi sirup. U sirup spustiti iseckane korice i mesati. U pocetku se masa razredi jer u koricama jos ima vode ali vrlo brzo se zgusne i pocne da se lepi. Kad sva voda ispari izvadite kandirane stapice na pek papir koji ste posuli kristal secerom, razredite da nisu slepljene ili jedna preko druge, pospite secerom i ostavite da se suse. Korice se suse nekoliko dana i sto se vise suse lepse su, ali mogu da se jedu vec sutra dan. Osusene korice mogu dugo da stoje. Sto duze stoje tvrdje su, hrskavije. 
     Rok trajanja je dok se ne pojedu, zavisi od vas.


Three fast diets - Tri brze dijete

Three fast diets

Fast diet I

2 days eat only apples
2 days eat only vegetables (all except potatoes)
2 days eat only yogurt and young cheese
2 days eat only boiled chicken or veal

Drink at least 1.5l of mineral water every day.


Fast diet II

   I day:   all day only fruits
 II day:   all day only vegetables
III day:   all day only milk products
IV day:   all day only meat on all way of preparing
  V day:   all day only bread, kifli, grissini (breadsticks)
VI day:   all day lean soup


Fast diet III

   I day:   10 boiled eggs without salt
  II day:   10 oranges
III day:   1l yogurt and 250g low-fat cheese
IV day:   1kg bioled vegetables without salt
  V day:   1kg cooked fish without salt
VI day:   1/2kg boiled chicken without salt


Tri brze dijete

Brza  dijeta I

      2   dana jesti samo jabuke
      2  dana jesti  samo povrce ( sve, osim krompira )
      2  dana jesti jogurt  i  mladi sir
     2  dana jesti barenu piletinu  ili  teletinu

Svakog dana piti najmanje  1,5l  mineralne vode.

Brza dijeta II

    I  dan:   voce
   II  dan:   povrce
 III  dan:   mleko i mlecni proizvodi
IV  dan:   meso na sve nacine
 V   dan:   hleb, kifla, grisini
VI  dan:   posna corbica

Brza dijeta III

  I  dan:   10 barenih jaja bez soli
 II  dan:   10 narandzi
III  dan:   1 l  jogurta i 250 g nemasnog sira
IV  dan:   1 kg  barenog povrca bez soli
 V  dan:   1 kg  kuvane ribe bez soli
VI  dan:   1/2 kg  barene piletine bez soli


Diet UN - Unicef dijeta

Diet named - Diet UN

The aim of this diet, except to lose overweight is to change metabolism in the body, which is guaranteed that the lost pounds don't come back.
The diet lasts 90 days and during that time, you can lose 18 - 25 pounds. If you need to lose a lesser weight diet may be interrupted, but then there will be no changes in the metabolism.

Breakfast is always the same for all 90 days - fruit.
It is eaten in pairs at two apples, pears, oranges or a handful of small fruit.

ORDER OF THE DAY can not be changed.


LUNCH: - meat is cooked or baked in the amount of three hotel steaks
- a slice of bread
- salad in unlimited quantities
- up drinking 2 dl of soup without the noodles
-         Instead of meat can eat 3 eggs boiled or baked without oil. Milk and cheese can be eaten only on this day. Soup should drink.
DINNER:  - the same as for lunch, but without soup. Care should be taken that if for lunch is meat it must be for dinner, if the eggs were for lunch must be for dinner too. If the cheese is added, the amount of meat or eggs is reduced by the amount of cheese.

DAY TWO - DAY starch

LUNCH: - beans, peas, lentils, rice, potatoes, boiled required with additives (salt, seasoning, ketchup, pepper, cooked tomato, oregano, laurel)
- a slice of bread
- salad
DINNER:  - the same as for lunch only in a small quantity (everything you eat for lunch should be one full of deep plate, for dinner it should be half plate).

DAY THREE - carbohydrate DAY

LUNCH:    - Boiled dough with the addition of spices. Pizza only with ketchup
- any salt pastry (in the amount of pizza in a pizzeria)
DINNER:  - Two small slices of cake or cakes or 3-4 scoops of ice cream and a rib of dark chocolate.

DAY FOUR - Fruit day

LUNCH:     - mixed fruit.
DINNER:   - mixed fruit.

Three times during a child (once a month) should hold water day, which always goes beyond the days of fruit, and behind it continues with protein day.
Coffee and tea - in unlimited quantities, but without sugar.
When you finished this diet, after three months, eat normally, but remains the fruit for breakfast another 90 days. If in the next three months from the end of the diet, lose another 3 pounds means that there was a change in metabolism. If no loss, diet should be repeated. Diet may be extended if necessary to remove more pounds only after three months.
Seem complicated, but it is not. The amount of food is higher than what we consume every day, regardless the pounds are lost. We should not lose hope and the will, because it happens that after 10 days the weight is not falling, but then suddenly takes off 3-4 pounds. If you sometimes drink juice, look that it be with less sugar. Not anything can be skipped, each food has its purpose, and the body must not remain without it. It is not common to eat fruit for breakfast, but the body of it, first use integrated sugar that feeds the nervous system. Chocolate must be eaten to avoid allergies that are common to diet. It is required on a half of diet to control the pressure and blood count that twenty pounds guaranteed by this diet lost don't caused health problems. People suffering from high blood pressure, a few weeks later no longer have the need to use drugs. Many diets are harmful WHILE THIS IS NOT. Try it and you will not regret.
Dijeta zvana -Unicef dijeta

Cilj ove dijete je, pored skidanja viska kilograma, da dovede do promene metabolizma u organizmu, cime se garantuje da se skinuti kilogrami nece vratiti.
Dijeta traje 90 dana i za to vreme se slabi od 18 - 25 kg. Ako je potrebno skinuti manje kilograma dijeta se moze prekinuti, ali onda nece doci do promene u metabolizmu.

DORUCAK je  uvek isti svih 90 dana  -  VOCE.
Jede se uvek u paru po dve jabuke, kruske, narandze ili saka sitnig voca.



RUCAK   :   -  meso kuvano ili peceno u kolicini tri hotelske snicle
-         jedno parce hleba
-         salate u neogranicenim kolicinama
-         na kraju popiti 2 dl supe bez rezanca  
Umesto mesa mogu se pojesti  3  jajeta barena ili pecena. Mleko i sir mogu se jesti samo ovog dana. Supa se mora popiti.
VECERA :   -  Isto sto i za rucak, samo bez supe. Treba voditi racuna da ako je za rucak bilo meso mora biti i za veceru, ako su jaja bila za rucak moraju biti i za veceru. Ako se dodaje sir, kolicina mesa ili jaja se smanjuje za kolicinu sira.


RUCAK  :   -  Pasulj, grasak, socivo, pirinac, krompir, obavezno kuvano uz dodatak zacina (so, vegeta, kecap, biber, kuvani paradajz, origano,lolber)
-         jedno parce hleba
-         salata
VECERA :   -  Isto sto i za rucak samo u manjoj kolicini (kolicina svega sto jedete za rucak treba da bude jedan pun duboki tanjir, a za veceru pola tanjira).


RUCAK   :   -  Kuvano testo uz dodatak zacina. Pica samo sa kecapom ili bilo koje slano
                       pecivo (u kolicini pice u piceriji)
VECERA :   -  Dva manja parceta torte ili 3-4 kolaca ili 3 kugle sladoleda i jedno rebro        
                      cokolade za kuvanje.


RUCAK   :   -  Mesano voce.
VECERA :   -  Mesano voce.

Tri puta za vreme dijete (jednom mesecno) treba drzati  ,,vodeni dan,,  koji uvek ide iza vocnog dana, a iza njega se nastavlja sa proteinskim danom. Kafa i caj – u neogranicenim kolicinama, ali bez secera.
Posle zavrsene dijete, jede se normalno, ali voce ostaje za dorucak jos 90 dana. Ako se u tri naredna meseca od zavrsetka dijete izgube jos 3 kg znaci da je doslo do promene u metabolizmu. Ako se ne izgube, dijetu treba ponoviti. Dijeta se sme produziti ako je potrebno skinuti jos kilograma tek posle tri meseca.
Deluje komplikovano, ali nije. Kolicina hrane je veca od one koju svakodnevno unosimo, bez obzira na to kilogrami se gube. Ne treba gubiti nadu i volju, jer se desava da po 10 dana tezina ne opada, ali se onda naglo skida 3-4 kg. Ako ponekad popijete sok, gledajte da to bude gazirani jer ima manje secera. Nista se ne sme preskakati, svaka namirnica ima svoju namenu i organizam ne sme da ostane bez nje. Nije uobicajeno da se voce jede za dorucak, ali organizam iz njega najpre iskoristi integralni secer koji hrani nervni sistem. Cokolada sluzi da se izbegnu alergije koje su prisutne kod drzanja dijeta.Pozeljno je na pola dijete kontrolisati pritisak i krvnu sliku kako bi se dvadeset kilograma koje garantuje ova dijeta izgubilo bez zdravstvenih problema. Osobe koje pate od povisenog krvnog pritiska, posle par nedelja nemaju vise potrebu da koriste lekove. MNOGE DIJTE SU STETNE DOK OVA NIJE.  Probajte i necete se pokajati.