
Homemade Fabric Softener - Domaci omeksivac

Homemade Fabric Softener


6 cups water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner

1. Mix water, vinegar, and hair conditioner in a 1 gallon container; stir. Do not shake it; it will cause foaming.
2. Use the same amount you normally use in a rinse cycle or spritz it on a wash cloth and throw in dryer.


Napravite sami omeksivac za ves


6 soljica vode
3 soljice sirceta
2 soljice balzama za kosu

1. Pomesati vodu, sirce i balzam za kosu u posudi od 1 l. Promesati - ne muckati jer peni.
2. Koristiti na isti nacin kao i fabricki omeksivac dodajuci u poslednju vodu za ispiranje ili poprskati opran ves i ubaciti ga u masinu za susenje.



Homemade Lip Balm - Napravite sami Balzam za usne

 Lip Balm


Here is a way to make lip balm and the best part is that you can make more than one. Also, it’s a great gift for someone as well.
Evo kako mozete sami napraviti balzam za usne i najbolje od svega je sto imate vise komada odjednom. Takodje je dobar poklon.

Materials - Materijal:
  • 2 tablespoons of white beeswax pellets - 2 kasike pcelinjeg (pravog) voska
  • 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil - 4 kasike suncokretovog ulja
  • Few drops of strawberry flavor oil - nekoliko kapi koncentrovanog ulja jagode
  • Lipstick shavings (color that you want) - komadic ruza koji volite

First you place the beeswax pellets and the sunflower oil in a microwavable bowl. 
- Stavite vosak i suncokretovo ulje u posudu koja se moze zagrevati..

Heat it on low to medium heat until the beeswax pellets have melted and stir it with a metal spoon. 
- Zagrevajte na niskoj do srednje temperature dok se vosak ne otopi mesajuci metalnom kasicicom

Use a pipette to put in the few drops of the strawberry oil. 
- Pipetom dodajte nekoliko kapi ulja jagode.

Gradually start adding the lipstick shavings. You can choose a color, but since it is strawberry flavored, a pink color would make the most sense. 
- Postepeno dodajte usitnjen ruz. Sami izaberite boju, ali kako je sa ukusom jagode roze bi najvise odgovarala.

Stir the mixture with a metal spoon and continue to slowly add the shavings until you reach the shade you want. 
- Mesajuci masu metalnom kasicicom dodajte ruz dok ne dobijete nijansu koju zelite.

Using a clean pipette, transfer the lip balm to small pots or whatever container you’d like to put them in.
- Koristeci cistu pipetu  sipajte balzam u posudice koje ste spremili za to.

Here is a great way of packaging the lip gloss for gifts.
Ovo je jedan od nacina pakovanja balzama koji mozete koristiti za poklon

There are many ways to make lip balm, so if you're looking for different flavors you can use the oil you like most
- Postoji mnogo nacina kako napraviti balzam pa ako volite neki drugi miris, ukus mozete koristiti ulje sa mirisom koji vi najvise volite.


Make some interesting for your guests or for your family - Napravite nesto interesantno za vase goste ili vasu porodicu

Create something interesting that your guests remember
Napravite nesto zanimljivo da vasi gosti zapamte posetu
and small decoration on table
i mala dekoracija na stolu
and one more interesting hors d'oeuvre
i jos jedno interesantno predjelo

More idea for palletes and interesting table - Jos ideja za palete i interesantan sto

One more idea for use pallets
Jos jedna ideja kako iskoristiti palete
and interesting idea for table for your garden or terrace
i interesantna ideja za sto za vasu bastu ili terasu

Salty "Galete" - Slane "Galete"

Salty "Galete"

Cookie with beer and very tasty with beer with your friends or very tasty nibble while watching TV, or ... explore yourself the time and way when you eat this cookie. Enjoy!

    1 kg                flour (can mixed flour: half rye - half white flour, whole-wheat flour and white flour)
 0,3 l                    beer
    6 coffee cups  oil about 6 dl
    2 teaspoon      salt
    1                     baking powder - 2 teaspoon
100 g              sesame - also can add linseed, sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds too or all of this

Kneed all ingredients (mix flour with baking powder, salt and seeds and then add beer and oil) and make balls. Put the balls in press

if you have old press like this

bake on stove
or put the balls in modern press for baking.


Slane "Galete"

Kolac sa pivom, veoma ukusan uz pivo sa drustvom ili ukusna slana grickalica uz gledanje TV, ili … istrazite sami kako i gde cete jesti ovaj ukusan kolacic. Uzivajte!

    1 kg                  brasna (moze se mesati brasno: pola razano – pola belo; integralno od celog zrna psenice i belo ili vec po vasoj zelji)
 0,3 l                        piva
    6 kafenih soljica  ulja oko 6dl
    2 kasicice            soli
    1                          prasak za pecivo oko 2 kasicice
100 g                       susama – takodje se moze dodati laneno seme, suncokretovo seme i/ili seme bundeve ili sve zajedno

Zamesiti testo od svih sastojaka (pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo, so i semenke pa zatim dodati pivo i ulje) i praviti loptice. Stavljati loptice u presu ako imate staru i peci na ringli sporeta ili stavljati u elektricnu presu i peci.


Plastic bottles and cans - Plastine flase i kante

What can we make out of plastic bottles and cans
Sta mozemo napraviti od plasticnih flasa i kanti
and something really interesting
i nesto zaista interesantno

Candlesticks, lamps, ... - Svecnjaci, lampe, ...

Candlestick - orange. Make wreath of clove on the top and enjoy in incredible smell
Svecnjak - narandza. napravite venac od karanfilica na vrhu i uzivajte u neverovatnom mirisu.
Simply but beautiful
Jednostavno ali lepo
lamp made from plastic bottle cap
lampa od plasticnih zatvaraca za flase

Halloween, pumpkin and you

Halloween is coming. Find pumpkin and enjoy. Here is some interesting ideas for Halloween
candy in orange for Halloween
and something different - Halloween in tropical area
joke for Halloween
and some decorations


Bottle and cutlery - Boca i escajg

Interesting way to wrap a bottle of champagne
Interesantan nacin kako zapakovati bocu sampanjca
or napkin folding and cutlery
ili kako spakovati salvetu i escajg

Make something interesting for your children - Napravite nesto ineresantno za vasu decu

You can playing with your children by making toys for them and with them
Mozete se igrati sa vasom decom praveci igracke za njih i sa njima

For example: Snake
Na primer: Zmiju

 Same but a little different
Isto to samo malo drugacije

and some more things with the shutter
i jos neke stvari od zatvaraca za flase
Or maybe: Pussycat
Ili mozda : Mace


Some interesting ideas for ... - Neke interesantne ideje za ...

- ... jack
- ... cork

- ... more cork
- ... curtain
- ... hangers
- ... lamps and candlesticks
lampe i svecnjaci
- ... holder for image
drzac za sliku
- ... and more ideas to use cutlery
... i jos ideja za koriscenje pribora za jelo
- ... how to decorate a bottle
kako ukrasiti flasu
- ... make "strawberry" stones
napraviti "jagode" kamencice