
Interesting food decorations - Interesantne dekoracije hrane

Interesting trees on your table
Interesantno drvece na vasem stolu
Small chickens - naturally in eggs and of course of egg
Mali pilici - normalno u jajima i naravno od jaja
and for dessert - striped cake
i za desert - prugasta torta

Decorate your garden - ukrasite vas vrt

Furniture for your garden or a large terrace made of barrel
Garnitura za sedenje u vasoj basti ili vecoj terasi, napravljena od buradi
cute pig - flower pots made ​​of plastic balloons
slatko prase - saksija za cvece od plasticnog balona
and with flower pot tower you can decorate your balcony
i sa kulom od cveca - saksija mozete ukrasiti vas u terasu


Homemade Jewelry Cleaner - Sredstvo za ciscenje nakita

Homemade jewelry cleaner

1 tablespoon  salt
1 tablespoon  baking soda
1 tablespoon  dish detergent
1 cup             water
1 piece          aluminum foil


Heat water in the microwave for 1 or 2 minutes. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that roughly covers the bottom of a small bowl (like a cereal bowl). Pour hot water into bowl. Place salt, soda, and dishwashing liquid into bowl. Place jewelry on top of foil and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse jewelry in cool water and dry jewelry completely with soft cloth. Discard solution after use and make a new batch next time.

This works well for gold-filled, brass, german (nickel) silver, and sterling silver, even cleaned jewelry with freshwater pearls, shell cameos and mother of pearl.
Domace sredstvo za ciscenje nakita

1 kasika  soli
1 kasika  sode bikarbone
1 kasika  deterdzenta za sudove
1 solja     vode
1 parce    aluminumske folije

Priprema i koriscenje:

Zagrejati vodu u mikrotalasnoj pecnici  1 do 2 minute. Iseci parce aluminijumske folije da prekrije dno manje posude (kao sto je posuda za zitarice). Sipati vodu u posudu, dodati so, sodu bikarbonu i tecnost za pranje sudova. Spustiti nakit na foliju i ostaviti 5 do 10 minuta. Isprati nakit hladnom vodom i osusiti ga mekanom – pamucnom krpom. Za sledece ciscenje ili za jos nakita ponoviti postupak.

Na ovaj nacin moze se cistiti zlato, mesing, nemacki (nikl) srebro, i cisto srebro, cak se moze cistiti i nakit od slatkovodnih bisera, ljustura skoljki i sedefa.


Santa bread and Egg Snowman - Hleb Deda Mraz i Snesko Belic od jaja

Make interesting holiday bread for your children for Christmas
Napravite interesantan hleb za vasu decu za Novu godinu

and Egg Snowman
i Snesko Belic od jaja

How to grow an avocado tree - Kako zasaditi avokado

Some decorations for Christmas - Neke dekoracije za Novu godinu

- Christmas Bulbs
Sijalice pingvini
 - interesting decoration - accordion Christmas Tree
interesantan ukras - harmonika jelka 

- and beautiful snowflake
i lepa pahuljica

- holiday pvc tubes wreath
praznicni venac od pvc cevi


Veggie Christmas Tree - Jelka od povrca

Veggie Christmas Tree
Jelka od povrca

 For stand you need - Za postolje vam je potrebno:
    styrofoam cone              -  kupa od stiropora
    round toothpicks            -  cackalice
    round wooden skewers  -  drvca za raznjice

Ingredients for Christmas Tree - Sastojci za jelku:
    3 large bunches Broccoli          -  3 vece glavice brokoli
    2 large Broccoli flowers           -  2 veca cveta brokoli
    1 large Cauliflower                   -  1 veca glavica karfiola
    1or more Red Bell Peppe         -  1 ili po potrebi crvena paprika
    1or more Yellow Bell Pepper    -  1 ili po potrebi zuta paprika
    1 package of cherry tomatoes  -  pakovanje cherry paradajza
    1 jar of cocktail onions             -  tegla koktel crnog luka
    1 bag of baby carrots               -  pakovanje malih sargarepa


Quick white jelly - Brze bele pihtije

White jelly

    1 l        yogurt
200 g       mayonnaise
  30 g       gelatin
as taste   ham
as taste   pickles
as taste   boiled eggs
as taste   boiled carrot

125ml of yogurt put on the stove to boil. In boiled yogurt, add melted gelatin in a little warm water. Mix with mixer the rest of yogurt and mayonnaise. When get a compact mass add yogurt with gelatin. Mix again to get a compact mass. In mold pour a little of this mass and over that arrange chopped ham, pickles, boiled eggs and carrot. Between chopped ingredients pour the mass of yogurt and gelatin. Finish with this mass. Leave in fridge to cold and then turn over the mold and serve.

Bele pihtije
    1 l         jogurta
200 g        majoneza
  30 g        zelatina
po ukusu   seckane sunke
po ukusu   seckanih kiselih krastavaca
po ukusu   seckanih kuvanih jaja
po ukusu   seckane kuvane sargarepe

125ml jogurta staviti da provri. U vreo jogurt dodati zelatin rastopljen u malo vruce vode. Izmesati mikserom ostatak jogurta i majonez pa dodati jogurt sa zelatinom. Izmiksati da se dobije kompaktna masa. U modlu sipati malo ove mase pa redjati po zelji seckane sastojke: sunku, krastavcice, jaja, sargarepu. Izmedju ovih seckanih sastojaka sipati masu jogurta i majoneza. Zavrsiti sa ovom masom. Ostaviti u frizider da se stegne. Kad se stegne izvrnuti iz kalupa i sluziti.

Unbaked rolled hard cheese - Nepeceni rolat od kackavalja

Unbaked rolled hard cheese

For crust:
1 roll       hard cheese
For filling:
  50 g        nuts
    2           chopped roasted red peppers
200 g        white cheese

Wrap roll of hard cheese in dishtowel and cook in boiled water until become soft (about 20 minutes). Make thinner crust of softened hard cheese about half centimeter thickness.
Prepare filling by mixing all ingredients.
Daub the crust of cheese with filling and roll it. Wrap in foil and put in fridge. Leave to cold.

Nepeceni rolat od kackavalja
Za koru:
1 kotur       kackavalja
Za fil:
  50 g        oraha
    2           seckane pecene crvene paprike
200 g        starog sira

Uviti kotur kackavalja u kuhinjsku krpu i kuvati u vreloj vodi dok ne omeksa (oko 20 minuta). Od omeksalog kackavalja istanjiti koru oko pola centimetra debljine ili po zelji.
Pripremiti fil tako sto se pomesaju svi sastoci koji idu u fil.
Premazati koru od kackavalja filom i urolati. Rolat uviti u foliju i staviti u frizider da se stegne.