
Cake with almonds - Torta sa bademima

Cake with almonds

This recipe I find in newspaper. Reading the ingredients and preparing I think, in fact I'm sure, that it is very tasty and not difficult to prepare. I love cakes like this and as I can't wait to share it with you, I post it now.


For crust:
    5                          eggs
    3 tablespoon        warm water
130g                         brown sugar
  40g                         cornstarch
  90g                         white flour
    3 tablespoon         cocoa powder
    1 teaspoon (12g)   backing powder (1 bag)
    1 teaspoon             cinnamon

For fill:
    4                      eggs
300g                    black chocolate
 2-3 tablespoon    brown sugar
    2 bag (12g)      vanilla sugar
100g                    margarine or butter (optionally ½ + ½)
200g                    ground almonds

For decoration:
  80g      whipped cream
300g      milk


Beat eggs to a foam, add warm water, sugar and whisk until the sugar melts. Add than flour, cornstarch, cinnamon, backing powder and cocoa powder and mix the mass slowly until it combines. Pour into the backing try and bake 10 – 15 minutes on 200ºC - 392ºF.
Bake 3 crusts. Ready-made crust sprinkle with milk so it not is dry.

Whisk eggs with sugar on the steam. When sugar is melted, add chocolate and stir until chocolate melt. Cook on steam to the required density (as you probably know until on the bottom of saucepan you can see the trace of mixing scoop). Remove the saucepan from steam and leave to cold. When the cream is cold add mixing (if you want that your fill would be foamed) margarine (or butter) and add ground almonds and mix to compact.

Ready-made crusts coat with fill one by one and on the end, whole cake grease filling and decorate with whipping cream.
I will prepare this cake and you? Write how you liked this cake.
Torta sa bademima

Ovaj recept sam pronasla u novinama. Citajuci sastav i nacin pripreme mislim, u stvari – sigurna sam, da je vrlo ukusan i nije tezak za pripremu. Ja volim ovakve torte sa kuvanim filom i mlevenim orasima, bademima, lesnicima, ... i kako nisam mogla da cekam resila sam da ovaj recept odmah podelim sa vama.


Za koru:
    5                          jaja
    3 kasika               vruce vode
130g                        smedjeg secera
  40g                        gustina
  90g                        belog brasna
    3 kasike               kakao praha
    1 kasicica (12g)   praska za pecivo (1 kesica)
    1 kasicica            cimeta

Za fil:
    4                          jaja
300g                        cokolade za kuvanje
 2-3 kasike               smedjeg secera
    2 kasicice (12g)   vanilin secera
100g                        margarina ili maslaca (po zelji ½ + ½)
200g                        mlevenih badema

Za dekoraciju:
  80g      slaga
300g      mleka


Umutiti penasto jaja pa dodati vrucu vodu, secer i mutiti dok se secer ne istopi, a zatim dodati brasno, gustin, cimet, prasak za pecivo i kakao i polako mesati dok se masa ne ujednaci. Masu sipati u pleh ili modlu za pecenje i peci 10 – 15 minuta na 200ºC - 392ºF.
Ispeci 3 kore. Pecene kore poprskati mlekom kako ne bi bile suve.

Umutiti jaja sa secerom na pari. Kada se secer otopi i krem se lepo ukuva dodati cokoladu. Mesati dok se cokolada ne rastopi. Kuvati na pari dok se ne dobije potrebna gustina (kao sto vec sigurno znate to je dok na dnu posude ne ostaje trag od varjace). Skloniti sa pare i  ostaviti da se ohladi. U ohladjen fil dodati umucen (ako zelite da vas krem-fil bude penast i vazdusast) margarin (ili maslac) i dodati mlevene bademe. Mesati dok se masa ne ujednaci.

Pripremljene kore premazivati filom redom i na kraju celu tortu premazati filom. Ukrasiti slagom.
Prijatno i uzivajte!
Ja ci napraviti ovu tortu, a vi? Pisite kako vam se svidela.

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