
For your garden – fountains - Za vasu bastu – fontane

For your garden – fountains
Za vasu bastu – fontane

Spring is coming. Maybe you want to embellish your garden, to add a new detail or decoration, perhaps a fountain. Here are some ideas for your new fountain.
Prolece dolazi. Mozda zelite da ulepsate vasu bastu, da dodate neki detalj ili dekoraciju, mozda fontanu. Evo nekih ideja za vasu novu fontanu.
You like waterfalls. Here are small waterfalls just for your garden to enjoy in their roar
Volite vodopade. Evo malog vodopada samo za vasu bastu da uzivate u njegovom huku.

In your dreams interlaces the old with the new. Here's a fountain that combines old pitcher with the modern base and behold the beautiful fountains
U vasim snone koja kombinuje stare krcage sa modernim postoljem i gle lepe fontane.

Maybe you want to rest with rustle of tap water. Here is one combination new with old for your joyful
Mozda zelite da se odmorite uz sustanje vode sa cesme. Evo jedne kombinacije novo sa starim za vas odmor

Do you have a larger free space in the garden? Make a right mini fountain Wish and enjoy
Imate veci slobodan prostor u basti? Napravite pravu mini fontanu zelja i uzivajte
And now two fountains in a modern style
I sada dve fontane u modernom stilu

There are only some ideas. Maybe you have some interesting idea. Try some of this or make some yours and share your idea with us
Ovo su samo neke ideje. Probajte neku od odvih ili napravite vasu i podelite vasu ideju sa nama.

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