
Organic candle - Prirodna sveca

Organic candle

Peel off the top of an orange. Then gently tug the natural wick at the center up. Add a bit of olive oil. Burn the wick and you have a 100% organic candle!  
You don't have to wait for the wick to dry! It WILL burn, you just have to hold the match or lighter to it for about 30 seconds to a minute. Mine burned for AGES. You just top up the oil and it will last for ages. Smells great too.
Organska sveca
Oljustiti polovinu narandze u komadu. Polako izvuci prirodni fitilj (voditi racuna pri ljustenju da se ne isece). Dodati u koru maslinovo ulje ili bilo koje, zapaliti "fitilj" i dobice se 100% prirpdna - organska sveca!
Ne mora se cekati da se fitilj osusi samo se mora malo duze drzati sibica ili upaljac da se on upali. Kad se ulje potrosi samo se dopuni.

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