
Child's Bench with Arbor - Decija klupa sa natstresnicom

Child's Bench with Arbor
Decija klupa sa natstresnicom

Believe it or not, this Child's Bench with Arbor actually pretty easy to build!
- Verovali ili ne ovu klupu je vrlo lako napraviti!

Dimensions - dimenzije: 
Materials and Tools – Materijal i alat
Shopping List – lesta za kupovinu
2 – 1x6 @ 8 feet long – 2 letve – 1x6 i 2,5m duge
1 – 2x2 @ 8 feet long – 1 letva – 2x2 i 2.5m duga
2 – 1x2 @ 8 feet long – 2 letve – 1x2 i 2.5m duge
2 – 1x4 @ 10 feet long – 2 letve – 1x4 i 3.05m duge
4 – 1x3 @ 8 feet long – 4 letve – 1x3 i 2.5m duge
1 ¼” galvanized screws – 3.20cm pocinkovani srafovi
2” galvanized screws – 5cm pocinkovani srafovi
3” galvanized screws (just need a couple) – 7.6cm pocinkovani srafovi(treba samo nekoliko komada)

Tools - alat
measuring tape - metar
pencil – olovka za obelezavanje
safety glasses – zastitne naocare
hearing protection – zastita za usi
drill - busilica
circular saw - cirkular
jigsaw -testera
sander – rende ili masina za uglacavanje daski
countersink drill bit - burgija

Cut List – lista za secenje
4 – 2x2 @ 48” (Legs) – 4 kom 2x2x122cm duge za noge
6 – 1x2 @ 16” (Side trellis rails) – 6 kom 1x2 x40cm duge za letvice sa strane
4 – 1x4 @ 52” (seat supports and top) – 4 kom 1x4x132cm duge za drzace sedista i nadstresnicu
12 – 1x6 @ 16” (seat and backrest)* - 12 kom 1x6x41cm duge za sediste i naslon
12 – 1x3 @ 24” (Flower pot base) (top trellis) – 12 kom 1x3x61cm duge za drzace za saksije sa strane i za resetku na natstresnici
1 – 1x3 @ 36” (Seat back support) – 1 kom 1x3x92cm duga za drzac za sediste pozadi
1 – 2x2 @ 33” (seat back base) – 1 kom 2x2x84cm duga za bazu pozadine sedista
1 – 1x2 @ 33” (seat back top) – 1 kom 1x2x84cm duga za vrh pozadine sedista

*for the 1x6 @ 8 feet long, cut 5 – 16” long and then the remaining will be approximately 15 ½” long. Leave this shorter piece for the ends of the seat back that are slightly shorter to conserve boards.
- za 1x6x2.5m duge seci 5 – 40cm duge pa ce preostali deo biti priblizno 39cm. Ostaviti ove krace komade za krajeve sedista – naslona.

TIPS - saveti:
Take all necessary precautions to build safely and smartly.
-  Preduzeti sve mere predostroznosti za bezbedan rad
Always use straight boards.
-  Uvek uzimati prave letve – daske.
Always predrill holes before attaching with screws.
-  Uvek izbusiti rupe pre spajanja sa srafovima
Use glue with finish nails for a stronger hold.
  Koristiti lepak za fiksiranje eksera da bolje drzi.
Wipe excess glue off bare wood for stained projects, as dried glue will not take stain.
-  Obrisati visak lepka sa drveta kako osuseni lepak ne bi napravio mrlju.

And finally let's do iti konacno uradimo to: 
Attach with 2” screws and glue.
Spojiti sa srafovima od 5cm i lepkom.
Build seat, then attach legs. Note - seat can be attached higher for older children as well.
Napraviti sediste i pricvrstiti za noge. Napomena – sediste se moze prikaciti cvrsce kako bi i starija deca mogla da koriste ovu klupu.
These are for the flower pots. You can space as you like.
Ovaj prostor je za saksije sa cvecem. Velicina ovog prostora moze biti po zelji.
Make sure the distance between the 2x2 is the same at the top as at the seat. Screw on with 2” screws and glue.
Proveriti da je razmak izmedju dasaka 2x2 jednak na vrhu kao i na sedistu. Sastaviti sa srafovima 5cm i lepkom.
Now add the top.
Napraviti vrh – natstresnicu.

And the bench is finished. Enjoy in your children's joy!
I klupa je gotova. Uzivajet u radosti vase dece!