Buffalo Chicken Bites
For those who love little bites with chicken. These
are such an awesome snack, which could be a meal in itself if you have enough of
them and it can making with other fillings such a steak, provolone, sautéed
peppers and onions for Philly Cheese steak Bites... or even pepperoni, Italian
sausage, mozzarella and mushrooms for Pizza Bites. The filling ideas are
1 cup finely diced cooked chicken
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup hot sauce
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup hot sauce
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 1/4 teaspoons rapid rise dry yeast
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup warm milk
1 cup warm milk
2 1/2 cups flour
Make the buffalo chicken mixture on this way: in a small bowl,
combine the chicken, blue cheese, cheddar cheese, melted butter and hot sauce.
Set aside.
Dough: In a 1-cup measuring cup, heat the milk and then add the 2
tablespoons brown sugar; stir into warm milk until dissolved. Pour the milk in
bowl and add 2 1/2 cups flour and yeast and knead until a soft dough forms,
adding up to 1/2 cup additional flour, a little at a time, if necessary. Allow
the dough to knead for 5-7 minutes. Turn out dough onto a lightly floured
surface and gently knead a few times to form a smooth ball. Place dough into a
clean bowl that is lightly oiled. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a
draft-free place at warm room temperature until doubled and bubbles appear on
surface, about 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 400°F - 200ºC with rack in the middle of the oven.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface and cut into 4 equal
pieces. Lightly dust your hands with flour, then gently roll and stretch 1
piece of dough to form a 12-inch-long rope. Flatten dough and arrange so a long
side is nearest you, then roll out to a roughly 12- by 4-inch rectangle with a
lightly floured rolling pin. Gently press one fourth of buffalo chicken mixture
into lower third of rectangle, leaving a 1/2-inch border along bottom edge.
Stretch bottom edge of dough up over filling and press tightly to seal, and
then roll up as tightly as possible to form a rope. Cut rope into 12 pieces and
transfer to a sheet pan. Make 3 more ropes with remaining dough, filling and
cut into pieces, transferring to sheet pans. Let rest at room temperature,
uncovered, 30 minutes (dough will rise slightly).
Bake buffalo chicken bites
in the preheated oven for 5-7 minutes or until the tops are lightly browned.
Remove from oven (some cheese may have melted out.) and brush tops with melted
butter before serving (optional).
Zalogajcici sa piletinom
Za sve one koji vole zalogajcice sa piletinom. Ovo
je odlicna uzina ali moze biti i obrok ako ima dovoljno, a moze se praviti i sa
razlicitim punjenjem kao sto je junetina, provolone sir,kratko dinastanom
paprikom i lukom za Philly Cheese steak Bites... ili cak kobasicom, Italianskom
kobasicom, mozzarella sirom i pecurkama za Pizza Bites. Ideje za punjenje
nemaju kraja!
1 solja fino iseckane obarene pilece grudi
1/2 solje izmrvljeni plavi sir
2 kasike iseckan cheddar sir
1/4 solje ljuti sos
4 kasike maslac, rastopljen i prohladjen
1/2 solje izmrvljeni plavi sir
2 kasike iseckan cheddar sir
1/4 solje ljuti sos
4 kasike maslac, rastopljen i prohladjen
2 1/4 kasicice suvog kvasca
2 kasike braon
1 solja vruceg mleka
1 solja vruceg mleka
2 1/2 solje brasna
Napravite buffalo chicken mesavine na sledeci nacin: u malnju
ciniju pomesati piletinu, plavi sir, cheddar sir, rastopljeni maslac i ljuti
sos. Ostaviti na stranu.
Testo: u 1 solju – koja ce sluziti za meru, sipati zagrejano mleko
i dodati 2 kasike braon secera: mesati dok se secer ne rastopi. Sipati
zasladjeno mleko u ciniju i dodati 2 ½ solje brasna i kvasac pa zamesiti dok se ne dobije meko
testo. Dodavati ½ solje brasna po malo ako je potrebno. Ostaviti testo da
miruje oko 5-7 minuta. Prebaciti testo na blago pobrasnjenu povrsinu i lagano
ga premesiti nekoliko puta formirajuci glatku loptu. Staviti "loptu' u
cistu ciniju sa poklopcem, premazanu uljem. Zatvoriti ciniju plasticnim
poklopcem ili samolepljivom folijom i ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi da raste
dok se ne udvostruci i pojave se mehurici na povrsini, oko 2 sata.
Zagrejati rernu na 400°F - 200ºC sa resetkom na sredini rerne.
Prekriti pleh sa papirom za pecenje i ostaviti po strani.
Izruciti testo na blago pobrasnjenu povrsinu i i iseci ga na 4 jednaka
dela. Malo pobrasnjavljenim rukama lagano rolati jedan deo testa u
"konopac" duzine oko 30 cm. Lagano oklagijom rastanjiti testo
formirajuci pravougaonik dimenzija 30x10 cm. Pazljivo utisnuti na testo ¼ fila
na donju tercinu pravougaonika ostavljajuci oko 1 ½ cm od donje ivice. Presaviti
donju ivicu testa preko fila pritiskajuci da se testo zalepi i urolati do
kraja. Iseci na 12 parceta i poredjati na papir u plehu. Uraditi isto i sa
ostala 3 dela testa. Ostaviti da se "odmori" na sobnoj temperaturi,
nepokriveno, 30 minuta (testo ce malo narasti).
Peci ove buffalo chicken
bites "zalogajcice' u zagrejanoj rerni oko 5-7 minuta ili dok ne porumene
na gornjoj strani. Izvaditi iz rerne (iz nekih ce iscureti malo otopljenog
sira). Premazati rastopljenim maslacem pre serviranja ako zelite.
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