
How to make mason jar lights - Kako napraviti "luster" od tegle

How to make mason jar lights
Kako napraviti "luster" od tegle
The size of your socket/desired light bulb will determine the size of your jar. The bulb shouldn't be close to/touching the glass due to heat issues – Velicina sijalice koju zelite da koristite odredice i velicinu tegle. Sijalica ne treba da bude mnogo blizu stakla zbog toplote koju stvara.

For this project you’ll need – za ovaj projekat vam je potrebno :
1.    A mason jar - tegla
2.    The socket you want to put the jar on (it’s okay if it’s on your wall or ceiling) – fasung na koji cete zaviti sijalicu (moze biti i na zidu ili plafonu)
3.    A plastic or metal ring that fits your socket (to secure your jar lid to the socket) – plasticni prsten ili metalni koji ce fiksirsti fasung kako bi tegla mogla siguno da stoji na poklopcu)
4.    A nail or wood screw – ekser ili drveni sraf - klin
5.    A pen, pencil, or marker – olovka, marker
6.    A hammer - cekic
7.    Scissors - makaze
     8.    Pliers - klesta
Mark the size of your socket onto the lid of jars – obelezite velicinu fasunga na poklopcu tegle.

Use your hammer and nail or wood screw to break through holes in the lid, along the circle – cekicem i ekserom probijte rupe na poklopcu duz kruga
With your hammer and nail-like helper, break through additional holes around the center holes to allow heat to escape the jar. This is a critical step – without venting holes, you risk getting your jar too hot! – cekicem i ekserom probijte dodatne rupe oko glavnog kruga kako bi toplota iz tegle mogla da izlazi. Ovo je vrlo vazno jer bez ovih ventilacionih rupa rizikujete da se tegla pregreje i pukne!
The metal between holes breaks through with hammer and screwdriver. The lid must be on the jar. At the end of circle, the metal will be bending. Remove lid from the jar, use scissors, and cut to the end. The edges of the lid is sharp and it is recommended to use the gloves – cekicem i srafcigerom probijte metal izmedju rupa. Poklopac mora biti zavijen na tegli. Pri kraju ce se metal saviti. Tada skinite poklopac sa tegle i makazama isecite ostatak metala. Ivice poklopca su ostre pa se preporucuje da se koriste rukavice

Put your socket through the lid. If the circle is cutting allows push the socket through with little difficulty – and allows the “teeth” of the lid to grip the socket for some support. If the socket doesn’t fit, use the pliers to bend the metal back where you need to get the socket to fit through. – stavite fasung kroz poklopac. Ako krug koji je isecen odgovara moci ce fasung sa malim teskocama da se progura kroz poklopac a "zubi" ostre ivice ce se zakaciti i pruzati malu podrsku fasungu. Ako fasung ne moze da se progura kroz poklopac klestima malo savijte metal gde treba kako bi fasung prosao.
Screw the socket ring onto the socket. The ring should hold your lid tightly to the socket. Verify how well the socket ring grips the lid. If hole is too wide, and the socket ring barely grips it or doesn’t grip it at all, it must to need to used another lid and make a smaller hole. – zavijte prsten fasunga na fasung. Prsten bi trebalo da drzi fasung cvrsto na poklopcu. Proverite da li je dobro pricvrscen fasung za poklopac. Ako je rupa na poklopcu suvise velika i fasung labavo stoji morace se napraviti manja rupa na drugom poklopcu
Add the light bulb – zavijte sijalicu
Add your jar zavijte teglu

And  ... your mason jar lights are finished. Do you like it? – i ... vas "luster" od tegle je gotov. Da li vam se svidja?

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