Chocolate roll
Rummage through the mine recipes and recipes of my mother I find this
recipe for a very tasty chocolate roll I didn't prepare for a long time. It's
not difficult to prepare and I want to share it with you.
For crust of roll:
7 eggs
7 tablespoon sugar
150 g ground walnuts
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons oil
2 bars melted chocolate
For fill:
200 g ground walnuts
150 g sugar
100 g chopped raisins
10 g
vanilla sugar
100 g butter
hot milk
For the glaze:
100 g butter
3 bars
Crust: Stir the egg yolks with sugar until
the sugar melted, and add melted chocolate and oil. Whisk the egg white in the
other dish and slowly stir into the mass. When you get a compact mass, add
ground walnuts and flour and stir to combine. Pour into the coated and sprinkled with flour baking try on
356 F (180 C). Baked crust of roll wrap in wet napkin (dishcloth) and
Fill: Ground walnuts gradually
spilling with boiling milk to get a dense mass. Stir a little on the stove and
add sugar, chocolate, raisins, vanilla sugar and butter.
Glaze: Melt the chocolate on a
low heat and slowly add butter.
Direction: Spread the fill
over the crust and roll. Bespread the hot glaze over the roll.
Cut the slices and serve.
Bon appetit!
Cokoladni rolat
Preturajuci po mojim receptima i receptima moje majke nasla sam ovaj
recept za vrlo ukusan cokoladni rolat koji dugo nisam spremala. Nije tesko
spremiti ga pa sam pozelela da ga podelim sa vama.
Za koru rolata:
7 jaja
7 kasika secera
150 g mlevenih oraha
1 kasika brasna
2 kasike ulja
2 stangle rastopljene cokolade
Za fil:
200 g mlevenih oraha
150 g secera
100 g seckanog suvog grozdja
10 g
vanilin secera
100 g maslac
vrelo mleko
za glazuru:
100 g maslac
3 stangle
Kora: Umutiti zumanca sa secerom dok se secer ne otopi pa dodati otopljenu
cokoladu i ulje. Posebno umutiti belanca i lagano umesati u masu. Kada se
dobije kompaktna masa dodati mlevene orahe i brasno i polako umesati. Sipati masu
u podmazan i brasnom posut pleh i peci na180C (356 F). Peceu koru rolata uviti
u vlaznu salvetu ili kuhinjsku krpu.
Fil: Mlevene orahe polako
popariti vrelim mlekom da se dobije gusta masa. Promesati malo na sporetu pa
dodati secer, cokoladu, suvo grozdje, vanilin secer i maslac.
Glazura: Rastopiti cokoladu na
tihoj vatri i polako dodavati maslac.
Spremanje rolata: Premazati
koru filom i urolati. Premazati rolat toplom glazurom.
Seci na parcice i posluziti.